Emerging Tech

Farmers to Congress: We Need Broadband, Too

Agriculture and energy companies in rural areas want to find efficiencies with internet of things devices, but lack of high-speed access is a problem

Emerging Tech

Russian, Chinese Companies Win Intel Community's Face Recognition Tech Contest

Moscow-based NTechlab won two categories of IARPA’s facial recognition challenge.

Digital Government

Fate of Chief Data Officers Relies on Which Data Transparency Bill Passes

Two different versions of the OPEN Government Data Act are working their way through Congress.

Digital Government

Congress to Grill DHS Nominee, Former Yahoo and Equifax CEOs

And that evidence-based policy bill is moving through the House at a quick clip.

Digital Government

This One Rule Informs All of Veterans Affairs' Customer Service Decisions

Bells and whistles are great, but they don't matter if they aren't helping customers, Veterans Affairs Department's Lynda Davis said.

Artificial Intelligence

Three-Star General Wants Artificial Intelligence in Every New Weapon System

The department's Project Maven uses machine learning to go through drone video feeds but that's just the beginning, Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan said.

Digital Government

Federal IT Reforms are Freeing Up Funds in an Otherwise Flat Budget Forecast

Obama-era federal IT reforms are starting to have an effect, but there’s a long way to go, analysts say.


Evidence-Based Policy Bill Would Require Chief Data Officers for All Agencies

A bipartisan bill pushes for more data to make decisions—and some new federal roles.

Emerging Tech

DHS Wants Tech to Scan Your Face as You Drive to Mexico

The department is opting for a faster procurement option for the technology.


Lawmakers Back Down from Pushing NIST into Cyber Auditing Role

The cyber standards agency will now assist inspectors general in cyber audits.


Bill Calls on Public to Hack Election System

It’s not clear if the contest will include prize money or be a formal bug bounty program.

Emerging Tech

What’s the Federal Government’s Role in Smart Cities?

A D.C. research and advocacy group says high tech infrastructure can’t be just a local project.


DHS is Too Slow to Share Cyber Threat Info, Companies Say

Homeland Security threat information is too slow to arrive and sometimes outdated, three out of six industry representatives said.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Increasingly Cautious About Internet of Things

Congressional discussion on connected devices centers more on the privacy and security of citizen data.


Early Kaspersky Count Shows Anti-Virus Not Pervasive In Agencies

So far, fewer than half of agencies have reported finding the Russian anti-virus software on their systems, a DHS official said.

Emerging Tech

Drone Delivery is One Step Closer with Trump Pilot Program

The Transportation Department and Federal Aviation Administration will allow state and local governments to set up drone innovation zones.