Digital Government

Geesey saves lives with technology

An Army colonel led the effort to connect soldiers with mental health specialists as part of a wider campaign to prevent suicides.


Is security the real problem for an intelligence community cloud?

There are other concerns that are, perhaps surprisingly, bigger barriers for intell agencies.

Digital Government

Army resumes enterprise e-mail migration after hiatus

The Army has resumed migrating to enterprise e-mail after submitting a congressionally mandated report on cost efficiency and effectiveness.

Digital Government

Army launches app store prototype

New marketplace has small number of apps for now, more to come.


Army closes ITES hardware contract to non-Army buyers

ITES-2H becomes Army only vehicle so its life can be extended until a new award is made.


Soldiers coming home to get latest tech tools, CIO promises

The Army intends to modernize its stateside operations with the same network-centric and IT capabilities available to its expeditionary forces in war zones, says Lt. Gen. Susan Lawrence.


Fired Eyak exec pleads guilty to fraud

Harold Babb faces prison time and will forfeit cash, properties and a Porsche to the government.


Next steps in situational awareness

The military is developing a number of interlocking technologies to deliver anytime, anywhere awareness of facts on the ground.


Army defends progress in acquisition reform

Army officials say acquisition reform efforts are already yielding dividends, particularly in fielding networked capabilities.

Digital Government

Facebook enlists U.S. military for new Pages format debut

The Facebook Pages format got a splashy introduction with the help of U.S. military services--with the exception of one Page that took on some water.


Army lays out future IT planning

Under a new strategic framework, the Army IT Agency consolidating more Pentagon IT -- and pursuing leading-edge technologies for the future.

Digital Government

Army had a specific audience in mind when it joined trendy Pinterest network

The Army recently began outreach efforts on Pinterest for a specific reason, according to the Atlantic Wire news service.


Army enterprise e-mail brings new transparency

Enterprise e-mail may be temporarily paused, but it still offers financial clarity and is pushing defense IT innovation, the deputy Army CIO said.

Digital Government

Army, Navy and National Guard first to venture onto Pinterest

Military agencies are making a foray onto the popular new Pinterest social media service, but good luck finding their official home pages in the mix.


Army to double its specialized acquisition workforce

The Army is building up its contracting military occupational specialty to grow its acquisition workforce.


Army IT strategy: Cope with cuts, keep an eye on future

Doug Wiltsie, the Army's new PEO-EIS leader, has significant plans for guiding the service through the tough times to come.


Imagine that: Government can learn a thing or two from industry

VA's Michele Foster believes vendors have a lot to offer, but only if they are given the opportunity to share.