
CyberCom mission forces continue to evolve

While the 133 teams of DOD Cyber Mission forces have reached initial operating capability, their organization, equipment and deployment structures continue to develop and change.


Army official: Soldier needs should drive tech acquisition

The Army, and the DOD more broadly, must build out tech acquisition requirements based on the needs of the soldiers in the field, not commanders or acquisition officials, says one Army official.


Air Force invites hackers to a friendly dogfight

The Air Force is the latest military service to partner with HackerOne on a bug bounty competition where hackers can win prize money by finding vulnerabilities in Air Force sites.


Student cyber teams do battle

Student cyber teams from the military academies are doing battle with an NSA-led red cell trying to disable their networks in the NSA's annual Cyber Defense Exercise.


Trump announces new pick for Army secretary

More than two months after his first candidate withdrew from consideration, President Trump has nominated a former Army physician for the post.


Chiefs: DOD cyber will suffer under a continuing resolution

In the DOD, cyber, modernization, training, recruiting and readiness will all take a hit if Congress passes another continuing resolution rather than a full budget, say the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


New cyber warriors face culture shock

The U.S. military services are scrambling to recruit and train new cyber warriors, but that is also requiring cultural changes in institutions known for order, tradition and stability.


Army: Electronic domain is contested

A contested electronic environment is the new normal, say Army leaders, and the service needs to prepare for and train to fight with degraded electronic systems and capabilities.


Army Cyber is targeting civilians (for jobs)

The U.S. Army has launched two new initiatives to bring civilian cyber experts into the workforce, one of which is a pilot program to examine the interest in direct commissions for cyber positions.


Army and IBM head to the cloud

The $62 million pilot program to build a private, on-premises cloud at the Redstone Arsenal will consolidate 11 data centers and pave the way for future Army cloud projects.


Trump taps billionaire businessman as Army secretary

President-elect Trump has selected West Point graduate and billionaire businessman Vincent Viola, a supporter of the Combating Terrorism Center and Army Cyber Institute at West Point, as pick for the top civilian slot in the U.S. Army.


Army launches Digital Service branch

The U.S. Army has launched its own branch of the Defense Digital Service with the goal of updating recruiting software and other outdated Army platforms and systems.

Digital Government

DIUX and RCO could get lost in transition

Despite DOD assertions that programs like DIUX and the RCO are too mature to be eliminated by the next administration, experts warn that could happen from benign neglect.


Army announces bug bounty program

Based on the "Hack the Pentagon" bug bounty program, the Army's effort will let military personnel and government civilians find vulnerabilities in the Army's recruiting websites.