Digital Government

Senate backs open gov bill

The Senate approved the Open, Public, Electronic and Necessary Government Data Act by unanimous consent Dec. 10, and supporters of the bill are optimistic about its chances in the 115th Congress.


How agencies use social media to recruit the next workforce

Government agencies are looking to social media to directly engage with broad audiences, and believe that greater access to the cool aspects of government work can recruit the next workforce.

Digital Government

An eye-opening visit to a citizen service center in China

It's easy to assume the United States is leading the way on digitally serving the citizen. Steve Kelman argues that confidence is misplaced.

Digital Government

NARA names new FOIA ombudsman

Alina Semo, a veteran litigator at the National Archives and the Justice Department, will take over as director of the Office of Government Information Services.

Digital Government

ID management without the Big Brother baggage

The government has been trying for years to balance privacy, convenience and security for agencies' online customers. Can the latest efforts finally get traction?

Digital Government

OMB updates 12-year-old federal website policy

The Office of Management and Budget is looking for more functionality, security, privacy and oversight of agencies' public-facing websites.

Digital Government

DOJ seeks digital services director

The Justice Department is looking for a senior executive to manage analytics, agile processes and more cutting edge tech development.

Digital Government

Despite hype, level of election cyberthreats is uncertain

As Americans go to the polls to vote in a hotly contested election, federal officials will be behind the scenes watching for malicious cyber activity, even though there won't be much they can do in response.

Digital Government

Why open data needs a mission

DJ Patil, the Obama administration's top data scientist, believes open data has the power to help reveal and remediate social problems, but the data doesn't mean much without a mission behind it.

Digital Government

Why government open-data practices are low-tech

The open-data movement is still in its infancy. In a new report, the Data Foundation charts how it can grow up.

Digital Government

The social media transition

The @POTUS account will zero out on Inauguration Day, and other presidential social media accounts will convey to the new commander-in-chief.


CIA to put millions of declassified documents online

The intelligence agency is shifting its collection of declassified documents from an offline National Archives workstation to the public-facing website.

Digital Government

Government needs digital transformation to reverse sliding satisfaction

Agencies must embrace a digital, cloud-based transformation to reverse declining public satisfaction with government service, save money and build for the future, according to a new report.

Digital Government

Elections could upend IT leadership on Capitol Hill

As Democrats seek to expand their seats, a few notable lawmakers with IT and workforce policy chops could find themselves out of office when the 115th Congress convenes.

Digital Government

Think tank: U.S. elections are far from hack-proof

Despite frequent reassurances from intelligence and security officials that the U.S. voting system can't be hacked, one cybersecurity think tank is warning that hacking the election is not only possible, but relatively easy.

Digital Government

Census calls off 2017 field tests, cites funding uncertainty

Bureau officials said the decision to cancel the upcoming tests is not ideal, but it is "the best overall operation remaining amid current uncertainty" about fiscal 2017 funding.

Digital Government

18F seeks info on ID verification

As part of an ongoing project to develop a shared identity authentication platform, 18F is asking industry for insight and experience on validating state-issued IDs.

Digital Government

How mobile solutions can drive citizen engagement for government

With well thought-out design, useful analytics, and a truly custom experience for end users, citizen experience can be improved dramatically.

Digital Government

GSA unveils Data Federation portal

GSA wants new U.S. Data Federation to become source and inspiration for more open data across government.

Digital Government

IRS promises nationwide electronic filing

The IRS' e-file pilot program in 1986 became a test case for the technology of electronic filing and the information policies governing its uses.