Digital Government

Getting government to go digital

William D. Eggers details the necessary steps for applying new technologies to today's government. PLUS: Three more books IT leaders should be reading.

Digital Government

Social confusion: Looming records mandates and social media

NARA guidelines offer a starting point, but agencies must make some important determinations themselves.

Digital Government

FCC revamping comment system

FCC is finalizing a cloud-based comment system that can better handle sudden input surges and make data more readily available.

Digital Government Not your grandfather's GSA

Steve Kelman checks in on the bootstrap effort to better crowdsource government research.

Digital Government

Build or buy? Census chooses both

The Census Bureau is planning a hybrid approach to its data collection for 2020 and beyond.

Digital Government

Britain takes digital ID out of beta as U.S. lags

The United Kingdom will go live with its governmentwide digital identity platform, GOV.UK Verify, in the coming days. The U.S. government will need a little more time.

Digital Government

Feds will be watching for 2020 census stuffers

The decennial count might stress inclusive approaches, but that doesn't mean no one's checking for fraud.

Digital Government

Will new IRS security features lock out legit users?

The national taxpayer advocate says the IRS will soon quietly roll out upgrades that could dramatically boost online security but lock out legitimate users as a result.


Embracing agile at the border

DHS components are discovering that transformation is best tackled one step at a time.

Digital Government

18F wants to experiment with design standards

The federal government's in-house design and usability consultancy would like sites to be clean and consistent but not necessarily uniform.

Digital Government

Delivering citizen services with one weird trick

Federal website designers might be surprised by what users want once they use analytics to actually measure users' desires.

Digital Government

USAID's beta site is meant to look nongovernmental

In a bid to democratize development worldwide, USAID is partnering with other organizations to create a website that doesn't even end in .gov.

Digital Government

New Labor Department employment portal targets veterans

The Labor Department is officially launching a "first stop" website to bring together the resources of multiple agencies for job-seeking veterans.

Digital Government

USDS-built web app seeks to help with student loans

As part of a new initiative to modernize student loan repayment, the U.S. Digital Service designed a web app that breaks down options for borrowers.

Digital Government

Library of Congress to retire Thomas

After 21 years of service, the legislative database and website Thomas is being retired in favor of a more modern system.

Digital Government

Candidate to head Library of Congress pledges modernization

President Obama's choice to lead the Library of Congress told lawmakers that she planned to lead a technological transformation of the institution.

Digital Government

Government only as transparent as its technology, advocates say

A FOIA advisory committee is recommending that government update fee guidelines and permit agencies to release documents via email.

Digital Government

Puerto Rico tabbed as proving ground for 2020 Census tech

Puerto Rico will be a 2017 testing site for new tech in the lead-up to the 2020 Census.

Digital Government

GSA builds hub for agency citizen science projects

The General Services Administration's new site aims to make it easier for the American public to volunteer to help address critical issues.

Digital Government

Census takes on non-respondents with tech

The Census Bureau has until September 2016 to make key decisions on how to follow up with non-respondents in the 2020 population count.