
Groups urge broadband provisions in package

Public safety organizations urge Congress to include provisions for first responder communications programs in the economic stimulus package.


Trademark attorneys can call it in

Jay Besch is fairly new to telework, but his employer, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, has been at it for a quite a while.


Bush appointees linked with company lobbying, report says

Fifteen former Cabinet-level officials in the Bush administration are now working for companies that lobby their former agencies, according to a report from a government watchdog group.

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NIST calls for research on innovative technology

NIST is collecting reports on topics such as alternative energy, personal medicine and nanotechnology before awarding funding through the Technology Innovation Program.


Models help warn Oregon about tsunamis

Detailed models of Oregon’s coastline could help identify tsunamis that start far from the state, NOAA says.


Experts: Enterprise architecture key to IT security

The availability of malware on the Web is creating new security challenges, they say.