
How to make the most of your COOP investment

Managers are finding new ways to protect their computing resources in an emergency without paying for idle capacity that doesn’t contribute to daily operations.


GAO: Avoid fragmented broadband policies

The FCC should work with other federal agencies to avoid a fragmented approach on national broadband policies, a new report states.


House passes bills on technology, science

The House has approved bills designed to strengthen federal agencies' cooperation on international science and technology research and on domestic science education.


Smart grid standards released

The government has released a list of 16 interoperability and security standards for the smart electric grid.


NOAA adds Great Lakes images

The detailed, three-dimensional images on Google Earth let visitors explore the canyons and sandbars in the Great Lakes.


NOAA to get supercomputers, satellites

The agency's list of projects includes funding for weather satellites and climate-data supercomputers.


DNSsec deadline looms

A requirement for all agencies to apply a security fix to their Web sites by the end of the year might catch some agencies by surprise.


Groups want open access in stimulus-funded broadband

Consumer organizations want tougher open-access requirements for the $7 billion worth of broadband networks funded by the stimulus law.


Federal 100 winner: Matthew P. Barrett

Matthew Barrett leads the NIST team that operates SCAP, the National Vulnerability Database, the National Checklist Program and the SCAP Laboratory Accreditation program.


Federal 100 winner: Eric Hackathorn

Hackathorn built NOAA's presence in virtual worlds by creating its Meteora Island in Second Life, which allows NOAA to globally broadcast its work.


R&D work vulnerable to cyber threats

A group of experts urged action to stop the effects cyber attacks could have on research and the economy.


NOAA launches online game

The Web-based game encourages young students to learn about ocean life.


GAO: Census technology needs more testing

Individual technology systems and their ability to integrate need to be tested before the 2010 census, government auditors say.


NIST creates cloud-computing team

The team will identify possible risks to federal agencies that use the emerging technology and determine how to make it secure, a NIST official said.


Former official: Census handhelds could save millions

Using handheld devices in the 2010 census will be limited, but devices are likely to be used heavily for the 2020 population count, former Census Bureau director also says.


Government to go

Government agencies are launching special versions of their Web sites designed to load quickly on the small screens of mobile phones and other handheld devices.


Census has data problems, Towns warns

House Committee chairmen calls for immediate work to solve data system problems with the upcoming 2010 census


Final stimulus bill keeps billions for IT

Major IT programs survived and thrived in the final version of the stimulus bill set to go before the House and Senate later today.


Senate to vote on Stimulus cut for IT

Sens. Nelson and Collins are promoting an amendment that would cut $83 billion from the stimulus package, including reductions in major IT items.


Bills duel over billions for broadband or health IT

The Senate Appropriations Committee's version of the economic stimulus package would spend $9 billion for broadband networks and $5 billion for health IT; the House panel's version has $6 billion for broadband and $20 billion for health IT.