
Former House Intel chair: Info sharing could start in 30 days

The former Michigan representative lamented the lack of cybersecurity information sharing, and said if we could put politics aside, the nation would be safer in very short order.


Closing cybersecurity's race gap

Government leaders speak frankly about how mentorship for young minority talent could help bridge the nation's cybersecurity skills gap.


Grassley tries to revive 'going dark' legislative fix

The Obama administration may have shelved a legislative plan to force firms to decrypt communications, but Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley is not having it.


Panel hits DHS on fusion centers

Designed to enable information-sharing among law enforcement agencies at various levels of government, fusion centers have instead become 'part of the problem,' Senate panel charges.


How to get along with Congress

Testifying before a congressional committee doesn’t have to be an ordeal. These tips can help agency leaders stay calm and focused under fire.


Is cybersecurity legislation still alive?

Although Congress couldn't agree on cybersecurity legislation earlier this year, at least one member insists it's still possible.

Digital Government

Continuing resolution heads for President Obama’s desk

Despite squabbling that lasted until the last minute, the Senate passed a continuing resolution to provide funding for six more months.


GAO, OPM:  IT skills gap remains a critical concern

First designated as high risk 11 years ago, human capital management is still on the front burner.


Sequstration could cut off some suppliers for agencies

Agencies rely on small firms for their operations, but many of those companies don't have the cushion to survive harsh cutbacks from sequestration.


Library of Congress tests new legislation research site

The new is intended to eventually replace the venerable Thomas site, launched in 1995.


House targets cybersecurity, transparency in 2013 continuing resolution

An expected spending agreement would keep the government functioning, add some funding for high-priority programs.


Executive order could institute controversial cybersecurity measures

A rumored order would allegedly implement parts of a bill that stalled in Congress this year.

Digital Government

Obama's sequestration report delayed

The administration says it needs more time to figure out the details on across-the-board budget cuts set to take effect in January, but the report itself expected to contain few surprises.

Digital Government

Conference costs draw congressional ire

GSA's conference scandal was just the start. Now a dozen agencies are being asked to defend their spending on conferences.


More VA spending goes under investigation

The House Veterans' Affairs Committee interest doesn't stop in Orlando.

Digital Government

Why the government isn't ready for sequestration

Only months from deadline, federal agencies are as unprepared as ever for massive budget cuts. What's the holdup?

Digital Government

DOD civilians, not contractors, can expect sequestration’s first punch

More than 100,000 Defense Department employees could lose their jobs to budget cuts early next year, according to a new analysis.


Is the government dropping the ball on cybersecurity?

Despite the potential danger of the cyber threat and a rising chorus of voices urging action, the government seems to be making only halting progress. There are several reasons for that, and no easy solutions.


DOD, other agencies now under the microscope on conference costs

A congressional committee makes GSA conference cost the benchmark for potential excessive spending.


Does Congress have time to change contingency contracting?

As agencies choose to disregard recommendations, members of Congress consider ways to enact the changes anyway.