
Does Congress have time to change contingency contracting?

As agencies choose to disregard recommendations, members of Congress consider ways to enact the changes anyway.

Digital Government

VA's 'Patton' parody finds defenders

Not everyone agrees that VA's $52K training film was bad use of taxpayer funds.

Digital Government

VA spent $52,000 for 'Patton'-inspired training film

A House panel begins to detail excessive spending connected to VA training conferences, including production of a video in which an actor parodied a scene from the cinema classic.


Obama proposes to extend federal pay freeze until April 2013

The president's plan would grant feds a modest pay raise -- but only under one condition, which might be hard to meet.

Digital Government

Army general accused of wasteful spending in IG probe

First GSA, then the VA, now an Army officer allegedly involved in frivolous spending. Who's next?


Senator not done questioning VA on conference costs

Follow-up questions on VA's conference costs include a basic one: Just how much did VA spend?


Obama delays financial disclosure deadline

Congress and the president adjust some deadlines in the STOCK Act, but opponents still object to public disclosure.

Digital Government

Obama signs Sequestration Transparency Act

A new measure requires the Obama administration to provide to Congress detailed plans for the forced budget cuts that sequestration will bring.


DOD, State, USAID say 'enough' to wartime contracting reforms

Three agencies have implemented some of the recommendations of the Wartime Contracting Commission, but now say they don't want to do more. Some senators are considering making it mandatory.


House passes government charge card rules

House lawmakers made some changes to a Senate bill that puts more controls on the use of government charge cards.


Bipartisan cybersecurity bill fails on the Senate floor

A Republican filibuster prevented the Senate from voting on the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 -- which might have also included data center consolidation measures -- greatly dimming hopes for legislation this year.


Should VA's company database go governmentwide?

VA has a database of verified companies owned by veterans. Other agencies could take advantage of that resource, GAO says.

Digital Government

Sequestration hearing unravels into partisan 'food fight'

As a hearing intended to help prepare for the effects of sequestration degenerates into a partisan shouting match, one embarrassed congressman calls the event a 'spectacle.'


Congressman: GSA officials absent from hearing 'have ducked'

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee expects to have GSA testifying about its spending choices, but the invited officials are not saying no.

Digital Government

House passes 'red tape' bill

A bill would bar agencies from all significant regulatory action until unemployment falls below 6 percent. But no one can say how long that will take.

Digital Government

Legislator hopes for productive lame-duck session

After the upcoming election, when the citizenry has chosen its new leaders, current lawmakers may finally inch toward compromise on key issues, says Virginia Congressman.


Lawmakers to consider new compromise cybersecurity bill before defense budget

A new version of the bipartisan Cybersecurity Act of 2012 is expected to be considered ahead of the Senate defense authorization bill, drawing the ire of one powerful senator.


GSA spends $270k for music, food and picture frames at awards ceremony

GSA's event spending has once again put the agency in Congressional crosshairs -- this time over a $270,000 award ceremony, complete with a violinist and 4,000 elaborate picture frames. This time, however, the agency's leadership may be ahead of the lawmakers.


Obama presses Congress on cybersecurity bill

President Obama took to the Wall Street Journal to urge the Senate to pass a cybersecurity bill.


Data center consolidation success not guaranteed, Sen. Tom Carper warns

Agencies must submit critical aspects of their data center consolidation plans as OMB requires, or the effort could largely be a bust, senator says.