Digital Government

Lieberman re-introduces cybersecurity bill

Revised cybersecurity bill emphasizes sharing of threat information, monitoring and offers more carrots than sticks, GCN reports.


Budget cuts, veto risk complicate defense appropriations bill

The House is getting ready to pass the 2013 defense appropriations bill, but the specter of sequestration -- and a possible veto -- loom over the funding plan.


Werfel: New laws could set back transparency efforts

Laws that enhance transparency are good, but only to the point that they don't interfere with efforts already underway, argues OMB's Danny Werfel.

Digital Government

Cybersecurity bill nears Senate vote

A bi-partisian cybersecurity bill could be voted on soon, but its sponsors are working to change some sections first.

Digital Government

Americans overwhelmingly favor major defense cuts

Memo to DOD: Don't count on public support for avoiding budget cuts. Majorities of both parties favor DOD cuts, although they differ on just how much and exactly which programs should get trimmed, survey suggests.


CBO predicts defense cost overruns

The DOD disputes a prediction that it will overspend its budget over the next five years, but calls for Congress to allow it more freedom to take cost-cutting measures.

Digital Government

DOD rescinds report length limit after outcry

Saying rule was 'misinterpeted,' DOD will no longer impose length limits on reports to Congress.

Digital Government

New rule limiting length of DOD reports to Congress draws fire

Hill Republicans are condemning a new Pentagon policy limiting its reports to Congress to 10 pages.

Digital Government

Bill would make bills single-minded

Sen. Rand Paul would like to end the practice of piggybacking legislation.


No summer break here: Agencies to receive plain-language report cards

Government agencies are being assessed on their compliance with the 2010 Plain Language Act.

Digital Government

Congress: Do we need all those GAO reports?

GAO and its many reports face renewed scrutiny as budget pressure heats up in Washington.

Digital Government

Federal IT forecast: Brace for impact

Sequestration and other hurdles pose challenges for federal IT, but it's not all bad news.

Digital Government

DOD’s top brass blast sequestration, emphasize cyber in Senate testimonies

A "cyber Pearl Harbor is a real possibility, defense secretary warns.


Senators back off call for automatic contractor suspensions

Proposals to require agencies to automatically suspend companies accused of wrongdoing have been softened in latest version of a bill.


Senators drafting bipartisan compromise on cybersecurity legislation

As Congress battles over cybersecurity laws, a few lawmakers are looking for agreement.


Tom Davis: A reformer on the Hill

Former Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) focused Congress' attention on acquisition reforms.


Jack Brooks: Titan of IT procurement

Former Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Texas) dominated IT procurement policy and oversight for decades.

Digital Government

Billions of dollars in federal funds remain unused

Senator's research charges that much approrpiated funding sits unused, often resulting in unnecessary, wasteful spending.

Digital Government

Air Force cancels annual IT conference amid cost concerns

The Air Force's annual IT conference has been shelved for 2012 as event spending comes under tough government scrutiny.


Issa probes telework travel reimbursements

GSA teleworkers billed $750,000 in travel expenses, raising questions in Congress.