Digital Government

Vendors roll with GSA changes

Vendors say they are OK with some of GSA's moves to acquisition interfaces and contract consolidation.


GSA names 75 vendors to $5.5 billion hardware contract

The governmentwide Second Generation Information Technology is designed to help federal agencies buy hardware and reduce administrative costs and overhead.


Oracle pushes ahead with JEDI appeal

After Microsoft's win in the Pentagon's $10 billion cloud contract, Oracle is still looking for a court to force the contract to be rebid.


An insider's guide to avoiding procurement fraud

Outright criminal procurement fraud is thankfully rare, but compliance issues in federal contracting often have legal ramifications. Good communication can help, according to a new book.


DOD to get interim agile software rules

A new adaptive acquisition framework being rolled out by the Defense Department will boost software development.


Cloud, TBM reshaping federal IT

According to a trade group forecast, the move to cloud is leading agencies away from shared services.


DOD CIO 'very confident' that White House influence didn't guide JEDI award

At his Senate confirmation hearing, Defense Department CIO Dana Deasy said the department's $10 billion cloud contract was awarded by a team of experts.


Army seeks new paths to network interoperability

The Army doesn't want to keep relying on the Defense Department's secret networks to collaborate with international mission partners, but the change faces some policy hurdles.


FBI CIO joins tech lobbying group

Information Technology Industry Council is renewing its focus on public sector with the addition of FBI CIO Gordon Bitko.


Navy awards $1.4 billion hardware contract

HPI Federal won the Navy's NGEN-R contract, the first piece of the newly divided IT contract for the Navy and Marines.


COMET, EIS moving ahead at GSA

Federal Acquisition Service head Alan Thomas is retiring just as two major overhauls are showing results.


NASA's big contract vehicle lowers fee

In the wake of a flush spending season, Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement cuts agency customers a better deal.


GWACs see steady spending season

The end of the fiscal year saw continued growth at governmentwide acquisition contracts, according to managers.


GSA awards COMET

GSA has notified winners of its internal IT blanket purchase agreement.


VA needs more time on scheduling software

As part of its electronic health records modernization plan, the Department of Veterans Affairs is adopting Cerner's scheduling system but it's going to take longer than they thought.


Thrift Board plans anti-fraud effort

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's Office of Financial Services is looking for vendors to help with fraud prevention.


Procurement chief tees up potential changes in CSP-government relations

In the coming year, the Office of Management and Budget plans a new look at the details of how to work with cloud service providers and other vendors on data sharing and product development.


White House updates Trusted Internet Connection policy

Federal CIO Suzette Kent announced the final release of a TIC update designed to accommodate cloud and managed services.


Will DOD's new cyber rules crush small business?

Two contract attorneys tell FCW that the DOD's Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification framework could have a negative impact on small business and startups.


GSA clarifies supply chain rules

The General Services Administration has shifted some of its rules that oversee compliance to telecommunications and video gear acquisitions.