
DOD releases unified cybersecurity standard for contractors

The Defense Department's Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification framework is ready for public comment.


ATARC looks to tackle persistent cloud problems

A new working group at ATARC looks to help agencies with familiar technical and management challenges of a move to a commercial cloud.


GWACs anticipate bump in year end spending over FY2018

One big contract manager said the raised micropurchase limit will likely contribute to a rise in the dollar amount of year-end spending by agencies as fiscal year 2019 draws to a close.


In supply chain management, the best defense is a good offense

No matter how "smart" a cybersecurity system and program is, there will always be a vulnerability if it's designed to play defense.


GSA on target with schedule consolidation

The General Services Administration expects to publish a consolidated Multiple Award Schedule on day one of fiscal year 2020.


DOD looks to expand drone industrial base amid supply chain concerns

Ellen Lord, DOD’s undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment, told reporters that it couldn’t use commercially available and popular drones made by DJI, a China-based firm.


Why GSA buys tech from NASA SEWP

The General Services Administration is the government's hub acquisition, so the agency's IG is wondering why it's buying tech from NASA's big IT contract.


Lawmaker sounds alarm on supply chain risk

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) wants the Defense Department to shore up cyber vulnerabilities in the defense supply chain and says the newly formed Cyberspace Solarium Commission could help.


GSA softens line on looming EIS due date

Think of the September deadline for agencies to award contracts under the General Services Administration's $50-billion telecommunications contract as a "yellow light," said GSA's telecom services director.


GSA extends price data pilot

The Transactional Data Reporting project will run for an additional year.

Digital Government

Windows 7 woes crash into 2020 election cycle

Financial, technical and bureaucratic hurdles are making it more difficult for states to patch their election-related software and move on from an expiring Windows operating system.


How DOD will survive its next audit

The Defense Department's chief financial experts explained how the second audit will leverage the benefits of the first.

Digital Government

Why CX in government is no longer optional

In the era of big data, comprehensive CX programs are recommended for any enterprise to understand every aspect of customer interaction and perception. Though much has changed, that old adage that "the customer is always right" endures.


HHS updates on blockchain application

The Department of Health and Human Services will test its blockchain-based acquisition system in the coming months, as it works on other ideas to harness the electronic ledger technology.


IRS tries agile acquisition for data tools

The first in a series of expected technology pilots at the agency will focus on robotic process and intelligent automation tools for contract data.


DOD watchdog announces JEDI review

The Pentagon's internal watchdog announced in its first public statement on the matter that it was reviewing the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure program – a massive, single-award cloud computing buy with a ceiling value of $10 billion that is set to be awarded in the coming weeks.


Contractors have questions about DOD's cyber requirements

The Pentagon is making big moves to improve cybersecurity in its industrial base, but the contracting community and experts continue to wonder if it will all play out as intended.



The General Services Administration is seeking input on the next iteration of its key small-business-focused IT acquisition vehicle by Sept. 6.


DOD tries to take control of the JEDI 'narrative'

The Defense Department's CIO shop is trying to control the narrative on the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure procurement, a massive cloud computing acquisition that has generated intense scrutiny because of its size, scope and a hard fought lawsuit from one of the companies eliminated from the bidding.


New draft rule bans government purchase of Chinese telecom gear

The interim regulation would prevent agencies from purchasing telecommunications and video surveillance equipment from five companies, including Huawei and ZTE.