
GSA official promises vendors "proactively business-friendly" approach under Trump

The General Services Administration is reviewing changes to reporting rules to make them more palatable to industry.


Note to the White House: Wall Street is watching

Concerns about the Trump administration's plans for the 2018 budget and slow pace of appointments are showing up in contractor earnings calls.


Army official: Soldier needs should drive tech acquisition

The Army, and the DOD more broadly, must build out tech acquisition requirements based on the needs of the soldiers in the field, not commanders or acquisition officials, says one Army official.


Congress plans one-week punt on funding deadline

Congress and the White House need more time to come to terms on a package to fund the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2017.


Is IT exempt from Trump's 'Buy American' order?

Given the global supply chain, determining the national provenance of a piece of technology is a tricky business. And in any case, Congress long ago carved out an exception for commercial IT products.


Getting agencies access to insider threat solutions

Thanks to GWACs and small businesses, a growing number of options are available.


What are the real reasons small firms won't sell to the government?

Steve Kelman goes outside the traditional government contractor community for insights into the true barriers to entry.


IT insiders tell GAO what works

As FITARA implementation progresses, a government watchdog convened a group of tech leaders to share lessons learned about acquisition.


White House taps old policies for new government makeover

New guidance from OMB advises agencies to use shared services, GWACs and federal schedules for acquisition, and to leverage IT wherever possible in restructuring plans.


Top 10 tech trends for feds to watch

As Trump's budget proposal points to policy priorities, these tech issues are sure to shape government's operational agenda.


FirstNet expects court decision soon

FirstNet's top lawyer said the bid protest holding up the $6.5 billion contract award could be resolved "in the next several days."


IT modernization is just the beginning

A former agency CIO sketches the key challenges for his successors.


DISA searches for new acquisition life with SETI

The new $7.5 billion SETI acquisition program aims to rapidly contract innovative technologies and solutions across the Defense Department.


Sequestration, shutdowns or increased spending? Anything is possible in 2017

More standoffs are likely, experts warn, and the only certainty is that the regular rules are unlikely to apply.


HHS outlines lofty cloud plans despite IT budget squeeze

If you want a bellwether for IT spending across federal civilian agencies, a good starting point just might be the Department of Health and Human Services.


How health IT hints at the future of innovation for DOD

The current effort to integrate DOD systems with the Cerner electronic health record represents a new direction in Pentagon IT culture and practice, according to CIO Terry Halvorsen.


Veterans panel chairman wants faster action on VA scheduling

After the Department of Veterans Affairs announced plans to pursue multiple scheduling projects, the chairman of VA's authorizing committee said the agency should have a single system in place.


CIOs: Telecom transition can spur IT modernization

The move to a new $50 billion federal telecommunications contract should support transition to new IT services, official say.


After the award: How to make contracts deliver

A recent roundtable discussion found strong consensus that agencies and industry must team up to improve communication, collaboration and trust.


VA moves ahead with homegrown scheduling IT

The Department of Veterans Affairs will test an internally developed scheduling module at primary care sites nationwide to see if it's ready to service the entire agency.