
NITAAC looks to fee caps, laptop refresh

A big governmentwide contract vehicle at the National Institutes of Health is looking to support more large acquisitions, including cloud computing services.


Decision time for scheduling tech at VA

The Department of Veterans Affairs is on deadline to decide whether to test a homegrown scheduling solution for patients.


Oversight Dems renew bid for Trump lease info

The ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has tapped colleagues to assist his efforts to obtain unredacted info on the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C.


How expiring HHS contracts could fund the Trump agenda

More than $24 billion in Department of Health and Human Services contracts are set to expire by the end of the year, according to a Govini analysis. Those funds could be redirected to help drive President Trump's health care agenda.


Telecom transition is looming

It's close to award time for GSA's huge next-generation telecom contract, and the agency has been working hard to set the stage for its implementation.


Border wall not a high-rise, warns former CBP head

The president's proposed wall on the Mexican border will require close consultation with on-the-ground border agents to make sure what is put up doesn't go down like a previous effort did, former Customs and Border Protection Commissioner says.


Trump tweets take IT contracting into uncertain territory

Presidential comments about high costs of specific contracts and empty top IT slots worry some contractors, but some industry groups and even a federal CIO see glimpses of possible acquisition reform.

Digital Government

5 predictions for federal IT in 2017

As the Trump team takes control, here's what the tech community can expect.

Digital Government

How will Trump lead on tech?

The businessman turned reality star turned U.S. president clearly has mastered Twitter, but what will his administration mean for broader technology issues?


Acquisition gateway expands in 2016

One of the General Services Administration's key category management efforts, the acquisition gateway, saw thousands visitors with IT contracts on their minds.


What to make of the Alliant 2 protest rulings

With the pre-award protests all resolved in GSA's favor, is the $50 billion IT services contract now bulletproof?


A smoking gun for government contracting -- will it be in Trump's crosshairs?

Steve Kelman suggests that satellite launches hold a lesson -- and a warning -- for the future of IT acquisition.


Will Trump make federal IT great again?

A business school professor who studies IT spending is hopeful about the prospects for a federal tech refresh under unified government.


5 best practices for agile procurement

As federal CIOs make the shift from managing infrastructure to managing applications, they also need to change their mindset about procurement.


GSA adds data security solutions to Schedule 70

The agency says Adobe’s electronic signature solutions and other tools will help agencies manage a broad list of federal security requirements.


Donald Trump and federal procurement: Who woulda thunk it?

Steve Kelman notes that acquisition issues have surfaced twice already for the next administration.


Senators press GSA on Trump hotel lease

How the 2013 agreement is now handled could be the first test for agencies faced with the president-elect's conflicts of interest.


Is GSA doing enough about contractor tax-delinquents?

A House committee wants the General Services Administration to ensure that its primary contractor database contains accurate information on companies that are delinquent on their taxes.


GSA offers feds a hand with contract writing

Federal agencies will be able to sign up with the General Services Administration's contract writing as-a-service in the coming year.