Digital Government

DOD reconsiders the insourcing question

Officials look more strategically at the acquisition workforce, but there are concerns about who DOD sees as part of that group.

Digital Government

Is competitive sourcing ready for a comeback?

While competitive sourcing has been a no-show for several years, a new provision signals a change in the future toward the Bush administration's policy.

Digital Government

Alaska firms could lose special status in new legislation

Sen. Claire McCaskill's bill would remove exclusive provisions for the companies owned by Alaska Native Corporations.

Digital Government

Coalition urges withholding changes in the withholding tax

The Government Withholding Relief Coalition, a group of 113 associations, is urging the lame-duck Congress to delay tackling the withholding tax change for two years, if it cannot simply repeal the measure.

Digital Government

CIOs need more budget power, VA's Baker urges

VA CIO Roger Baker says if CIOs had more budget power, IT management would improve.

Digital Government

DOD cuts will slow overall fed IT spending growth

Federal spending on IT will increase slightly in the next five years. Who can expect to see their budgets grow and who faces cuts, according to new TechAmerica Foundation Vision survey forecasts.

Digital Government

GTSI suspended from federal government contracting

GTSI has been suspended from winning new government contracts but vows to defend itself against charges that it inappropriately received small-business contract dollars.

Digital Government

How good is your emissions reporting? GSA wants to know.

GSA finds it feasible for companies to report their emissions data in a voluntary system and is moving ahead with the idea.

Digital Government

Small businesses could suffer if fed contracting goes in-house

If agencies bring contracting work in-house, small companies believe they will bear the brunt of it, and officials want agencies to remember that.

Digital Government

Gates to outline new acquisition guidelines

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to lay out a guide for moving ahead with his acquisition reforms and budget cuts.

Digital Government

GSA plans for 'sustainability acquisitions'

The premier procurement agency’s plan is to use its buying power to change the federal marketplace.

Digital Government

Who goes there? Contractors now required to identify themselves

Federal officials want the difference between government employees and private-sector employees to be obvious.

Digital Government

GAO bows to CIA decision to waive conflicts of interest

GAO’s ruling is evidence that it won’t second-guess agency officials' decisions to waive organizational conflicts of interest.

Digital Government

FAR Council considers justifying sole-source awards

Congress demands a good reason for awarding a contract worth $20 million or more without hosting a competition for the work.

Digital Government

Regulators nudge up simplified acquisition dollar thresholds

Regulatory changes offer modest benefits for both small businesses and large companies.

Digital Government

DHS manager slammed by IG for aiding relative

A Science and Technology Directorate manager violated ethics policies by plotting to deliver agency-funded software to a relative, according to an audit by the DHS inspector general.

Digital Government

GAO hands down decision on Unisys bid protest

Decision by GAO clears the way for CSC to finally begin work on the $500 million TSA infrastructure contract.

Digital Government

How long will cloud's reality trail the hype?

True believers see it as the future. Detractors call for caution. But what do they both agree on?

Digital Government

Pentagon tightens reins on contractors

The Defense Department wants its contractors to cut their costs as part of a larger DOD strategy to maintain its power as budgets decline.

Digital Government

Networx gets nasty on Capitol Hill

What are members of Congress threatening to do to agencies that fail to meet the Networx deadlines?