Digital Government

DOD sets rule for overriding arbitration ban

DOD issues interim rule so it can override the ban on employee arbitration agreements in cases of national security.

Digital Government

Government urged to stop meddling in hiring practices

An industry group and others are complaining about a proposal to make contractors use employees from incumbent contractors who lose.

Digital Government

Treasury plans auctions for $2B services contract

Treasury Department officials are proposing that reverse auctions be used in awarding task orders under its $2 billion Total Information Processing Support Services contract.

Digital Government

Navy plans preferred contractor program

The Navy plans to offer favorable terms and conditions to companies in a new program in exchange for exemplary work, according to the service.

Digital Government

GAO finds $325M awarded to ineligible firms under SBA program

The Government Accountability Office found numerous cases of fraud while investigating 14 firms that falsely received federal contracts under the pretext of being small and disadvantaged businesses.

Digital Government

NIH contract in GSA's crosshairs brings in $2.1 billion a year

If the General Services Administration is successful in convincing the Office of Federal Procurement Policy that NIH should lose its governmentwide contract authority, the agency could pick up $1 billion in new business.

Digital Government

Huge size of DHS contractor workforce leaves senators 'astonished'

Sens. Lieberman and Collins say the huge size of DHS's contractor workforce is 'unacceptable, untenable and unsustainable.'

Digital Government

After Murtha: Vacancy on critical House defense panel opens way for new leader

John Murtha will be remembered for his long government service, military career and a love of earmarks that sometimes put him in hot water.

Digital Government

D.C. feds hunker down for another blizzard

The federal government in Washington, D.C., breaks out its telework plans as yet another blizzard threatens the capital.

Digital Government

Three named to top GSA contract posts

ITS assistant commissioner Ed O'Hare fills vacancies to oversee governmentwide acquisition contracts, schedules and acquisition operations

Digital Government

Part 3: Data is key to transition to Networx and beyond

Data collection is at the heart of GSA's efforts to move from FTS 2001 to Networx as well as laying the foundation for future transitions, says Karl Krumbholz.

Digital Government

Business on FTS 2001 grows despite GSA's push for Networx

GSA is pushing hard to get agencies to use Networx, but so far business on FTS 2001 continues to grow.

Digital Government

Work stops again on TSA infrastructure contract

Barely a week after restarting work on its $500 million infrastructure contract, TSA issues a stop-work order to CSC.

Digital Government

Networx transition woes: Dual contracts or dueling contracts?

In part two of our look at Networx transition woes, we look at Enterprise and Universal, once thought to be complementary contracts, increasing are seen as interchangeable.

Digital Government

Transition Woes: Networx structure remains a sticking point

In part one of our look at Networx transition woes, we look at how reality hasn't lived up to the original vision for Networx and the question of why not restructure it into a single vehicle.

Digital Government

5 signs procurement is ready for a revolution

Conditions are ripe for contracting shops to significantly change the way they do business.

Digital Government

Protests: Step by step

You've filed a protest. Now what?

Digital Government

Protests halt CSC's work on TSA infrastructure contract

Unisys Corp. and General Dynamics Corp. have filed protests with the Government Accountability Office objecting to the awarding of a $500 million contract to Computer Sciences Corp.

Digital Government

GSA, DISA want advice on buying commercial satellite services

GSA and DISA are seeking input from industry for a joint acquisition program that they plan to establish to meet civilian and defense agencies' needs for satellite services.

Digital Government

NASA to update schedule for coming IT acquisitions

NASA soon will release a new schedule for opening competition on five information technology services contracts estimated to be worth a total of more than $4 billion.