Digital Government

Federal Agencies Have Distributed 200K Coronavirus Vaccine Doses So Far

Four agencies have provided the shots from their own distributions, but this only represents a fraction of the doses the agencies received.


The Year Ahead: 3 Predictions From the ‘Father of the Internet’ Vint Cerf

With the first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine being administered, a return to normal feels within reach but normal will change.

Emerging Tech

How Supercomputing and Advanced X-Rays Helped the Government Fight COVID-19

Years of basic research and speedy, strategic coordination helped to catalyze new and needed treatments.


How to Help Dogs and Cats Manage Separation Anxiety when Their Humans Return to Work

A change in routine is a major cause of separation anxiety for both dogs and cats.


How to Outsmart Your COVID-19 Fears and Boost Your Mood in 2021

Releasing negative emotions is the first step in preventing stress overload.


Seat Belts and Smoking Rates Show People Eventually Adopt Healthy Behaviors—But It Can Take Time We Don't Have During a Pandemic

It generally takes years of dragging people, kicking and screaming, to finally achieve new and improved societal norms.


How the U.S. Can Fight the Opioid Epidemic During COVID-19

A majority of states—more than 40—have reported increases in opioid-related deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.


Why It Matters that the Coronavirus Is Changing—and What This Means for Vaccine Effectiveness

The question is therefore not whether the vaccines will be effective, but rather how effective they will be.

Emerging Tech

VA Plans Poop Pilots to Detect COVID-19 Outbreaks at Nursing Homes

The Veterans Affairs Department will test wastewater for early indications of infection among residents, who can then be quarantined to limit the spread to others.

Digital Government

VA to Begin COVID-19 Vaccinations at 128 More Sites 

The Veterans Affairs Secretary said the approval of a second vaccine allows the department to inoculate more health care providers and veterans.


Federal Contracting Trends to Expect in 2021

The pandemic has contractors rethinking recruitment and office space.

Emerging Tech

The Evolution of Public Health

Driven by a global pandemic, federal agencies stepped up with new strategies and embraced new technical capabilities to combat the coronavirus and meet their missions. 

Emerging Tech

DHS Works to Improve Biometric Scanning of Masked Faces

Almost 600 human volunteers participated in a recent technology evaluation.


Why Being Stuck at Home—and Unable to Hang Out in Cafes and Bars—Drains Our Creativity

As we bounce from place to place, each brief social encounter plants a small seed that can gel into a new idea or inspiration.

Digital Government

Wastewater Testing Tracks COVID Infection Trends

It could be a crucial step toward an informed public health response to diseases like COVID-19.


The Pandemic May Be the Catalyst for the Digital Government We All Want

As citizens clamor for more online government services, they’re equally and rightfully clear on the need for strong security.


Critical Update: Did COVID-19 Push More Agencies Into the Cloud?

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting mass telework means agencies must have moved more data, workloads and services into the cloud. Right?


Why It's Hard to Get People to Take COVID Seriously

It's difficult for public health agencies to raise the right amount of fear in people, an expert says.