Emerging Tech

Army Issues $25M Sole-Source Contract to Monitor COVID-19 Vaccine Temperatures

The contract is part of the governmentwide effort to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are safely delivered.


5 Rules to Keep Breaking Barriers in Government

The pandemic disrupted how agencies conducted business but federal leaders can harness that momentum. 


Workers Are Looking for Direction from Management—and Any Map Is Better than No Map

The consequences of just continuing to wing it are piling up.

Digital Government

VA Flags Potential Staffing, Resource Hurdles in Vaccine Distribution

The department will start with a small distribution of doses, but expects a series of hurdles in inoculating its entire workforce and network.


Beware of COVID-19 Vaccine Scammers, FTC Warns

The Federal Trade Commission expects some opportunists to attempt to bilk the public when COVID-19 vaccines are made available.


How Airflow Inside Your Car Affects COVID-19 Risk

The study showed that different combinations of open windows could increase or decrease exposure to aerosols.


As the Pandemic Rages, the U.S. Could Use a Little Bit More 'Samfundssind'

In English, it roughly translates to community spirit, civic engagement or civic-mindedness.


What Are Emergency Use Authorizations, and Do They Guarantee that a Vaccine or Drug Is Safe?

The first time the FDA issued an EUA was in 2005 for an anthrax vaccine, but just for military personnel.


Bipartisan Cadre of Lawmakers Call for Permanent Telehealth Expansion

Telehealth has proved vital during the COVID-19 pandemic, and more than four dozen lawmakers want to see maximized moving forward.


Tribes Mount Organized Responses to COVID-19, in Contrast to State and Federal Governments

Responding to the pandemic also means continuing to exercise sovereignty.


China Beat the Coronavirus with Science and Strong Public Health Measures, Not Just with Authoritarianism

SARS exposed serious weaknesses in China’s public health system and prompted its government to reinvent its public health system.

Digital Government

Internal Documents Detail Who VA Will Vaccinate First

The Veterans Affairs Department's multi-tiered plan prioritizes delivering COVID-19 inoculations to high-risk staff and patients.

Digital Government

Federal Employees Say They’re Willing to Download COVID-19 Apps But Few Agencies Have Them

The results of a Nextgov/Government Business Council survey offer insights into how federal employees feel about apps to trace coronavirus exposure and their agency’s efforts to track infections.


Mask Mandates Boost Spending with Saving Lives

While social distancing reduces consumer spending, mask mandates have the opposite effect.


Why Face Masks Belong at Your Thanksgiving Gathering – 7 Things You Need to Know about Wearing Them

Just because you’re with people you know doesn’t mean you’re safe from the coronavirus.


Military Health Officials: Electronic Health Records Rollout On Schedule and Ready for COVID Vaccine

After a pause this spring, the MHS Genesis rollout is back on track, with two deployment waves scheduled for early 2021.

Digital Government

VA Plans for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced partnerships with other agencies Tuesday in an effort to prep for a possible COVID-19 vaccine distribution.