
How 5G Could Change Government’s Pandemic Response

The main benefit of 5G, especially for public sector applications, is the enablement of machine-to-machine communications.

Artificial Intelligence

Figuring Out School Bus Routes Is More Complicated Than Ever. Districts Are Turning to Technology for Help.

In places where kids go to in-person school, buses will look different this year as systems deal with the challenges of transporting kids during a pandemic.


EU’s First Cyber Sanctions Target Russian, North Koreans, Chinese Attackers

The EU singled out perpetrators that attacked British hospitals, Ukrainian infrastructure, and the Pyeongchang Olympics.


Democratic Senators Introduce Bill to Include Feds in Coronavirus Response Decisions

A task force of administration and union officials would make recommendations for how agencies should protect workers during the pandemic.


A Post-Pandemic Guide to Building Resilient Business Comms

Agencies should ensure their communication systems are ready for another mass shift to telework in case the need comes up again.


Energy Is a Basic Need, and Many Americans Are Struggling to Afford It in the COVID-19 Recession

And the problem could get worse as the economy continues to struggle.


Expanded Telework Could Save Individual Feds $2.5K-$4K Annually

Lessons from the pandemic have big implications for federal offices and employees, lawmakers and experts say.


Pentagon Aims to Support More Sensitive Telework By Year's End

The Defense Department is also in “an active conversation” about sustaining telework post-pandemic, according to Chief Information Officer Dana Deasy.

Digital Government

NIH Needs ‘Honest Broker’ To Manage New COVID-19 Data Warehouse

The health agency is looking for a vendor to act as a “neutral intermediary” to spur research without compromising patient privacy.

Digital Government

GAO: More Than Half of COVID-19 Government Contracts Not Competitively Awarded

While some of that spending went through existing IDIQs, some $7.7 billion in new contracts were awarded “using the unusual and compelling urgency exception.”

Digital Government

Survey: Tech Employees Less Comfortable Negotiating Salary in COVID-19 Era

Fewer employees at large tech companies are talking salary with their managers during the pandemic.

Artificial Intelligence

Facial Recognition Algorithms Struggle to Detect Faces Under Masks, NIST Study Finds

A new study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology found facial recognition algorithms developed pre-pandemic struggle to identify masked faces.


Racing the Clock on Election Security

There are less than 100 days left until the presidential election.

Digital Government

The State of Customer Experience

Federal agencies had been working to improve service delivery—then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. 

Digital Government

4 Million Americans Waited Over an Hour in Line at Social Security Field Offices in 2019

Two separate Social Security Administration inspector general audits provide a detailed picture of customer experience over the past decade at the agency.

Digital Government

HUD IG Warns Agencies to Watch Out for Bidding Fraud

Procurement officials should be on alert for anticompetitive bidding scheme and possible collusion, the agency’s inspector general says.


A Test and Trace Strategy for Reconnecting to Government Networks

Agencies shifted to large-scale work from home operations but little thought has been given to how to secure these networks when workers return to the office. 


Critical Update: Reinventing the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Technology is important but keeping and developing talent will be crucial, NGA Director Vice Adm. Robert Sharp says.

Digital Government

Bill Calls for National Database to Track Evictions

The Housing and Urban Development Department would be required to set up and secure a new, central resource. 

Emerging Tech

DOD, HHS Preparing for Large-Scale Manufacturing of COVID-19 Treatments

The agencies set up a phased OTA contract to test manufacturing capabilities at scale to ensure the industry is ready to meet demand as new treatments are approved.