
Is Telehealth as Good as In-Person Care? A Telehealth Researcher Explains How to Get the Most Out of Remote Health Care

The question of when to use telehealth must also take into account the risk and burden of getting care.


How to Protect Remote Workers’ Productivity and Performance

Even as restrictions ease, working from home will continue for many. Experts offer tips for bridging the distance.


'Pandemic Fatigue' Marks a Mental Health Crisis

The coronavirus has brought with it a number of stressors that tax the mental health of millions of people worldwide.


Moms, Not Dads, Lose Time to Work During Pandemic

The pandemic has worsened the gender gap among dual-earner parents. Moms have less time to work, but dads tend to clock a full 40-hour week.


Oversight Democrats Want at Least $1B for Technology Upgrades in Next Relief Bill 

Lawmakers make the case that the funding should be included in any coronavirus relief package that comes to a vote to help address IT systems struggling due to surge in demand. 

Emerging Tech

DHS Wants COVID-19 Response Tech that Protects Health and Privacy

The Science and Technology Directorate issued a call using its other transaction authority asking for innovative solutions to protect its employees and the public. 

Digital Government

Contact Tracing Demonstrates Need for National Privacy Laws, Lawmaker Says

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said the technology being developed to aid the fight against coronavirus proves the need for a standardized privacy framework.


Coronavirus Numbers Confusing You? Here’s How to Make Sense of Them.

Different stories are told depending on the dashboard.

Digital Government

Senate Voices Privacy Concerns Over Contact Tracing

Experts were gathered in front of the Senate Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection to testify on scams. But data privacy concerns bubbled over.


Two Chinese Nationals Indicted for Stealing Trade Secrets, Coronavirus Research

Federal prosecutors allege the pair hacked into corporations and research institutions on behalf of the Chinese government.


Ransomware Criminals Are Targeting U.S. Universities

The schools are attractive targets because of weak cybersecurity measures and medical research data.


Research on Voting by Mail Says It's Safe – from Fraud and Disease

It can inspire public confidence in the voting process, if done properly.

Digital Government

Out of View: After Public Outcry, CDC Adds Hospital Data Back to Its Website — for Now

Dr. Joseph Varon, center, visits with Dorothy Webb, left, and her daughter, Tammie, while making his rounds inside the Coronavirus Unit at United Memorial Medical Center in July


Lawmakers Push to Make Telehealth Options Permanent

Early data shows patients quickly embraced telemedicine options agencies expanded during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Digital Government

Bill Would Push State Department to Clear Passport Backlog

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the backlog of Americans waiting for passports has ballooned to at least 1.4 million people.


U.S., U.K. Officials Call for Russia to Stop Hacking COVID-19 Researchers

“It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” a British official said.


How USPTO Avoided the Strains of Pandemic-Forced Mass Telework

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Chief Information Officer Jamie Holcombe shared new details about the agency's increased productivity.


Your Coping and Resilience Strategies Might Need to Shift as the COVID-19 Crisis Continues

As the coronavirus pandemic situation and stresses change, so do our recommendations for what coping strategies might be most helpful.