
Ditching Legacy Systems Will Require Adjusting Some Regulations, Experts Say

Federal investment in upgraded technology will help governments better take care of the American people, experts say, but that means rules must be updated to foster innovation


The Fed's Independence Helped It Save the US Economy in 2008 – the CDC Needs the Same Authority Today

There is a paradox inherent in the relationship between political leaders and technical experts in government.


Does the COVID-19 Crisis Cap 25 Years of Government Blunders?

"What went wrong? The answer is: Almost everything went wrong, and almost everything that did go wrong had been foretold."


How Peer-to-Peer Texting Could Play a Role in Disaster and Pandemic Response

RumbleUp, an app previously tapped by Republican campaigns, is now available through FirstNet.


Contact Tracing Starts with Clean Data

Regardless of how information is gathered, the scale is immense, as is the problem of data accuracy.


Coronavirus ‘Shattered the Myth’ that the Defense Workforce Can’t Telework, Official Says

Two Defense Department officials discussed lessons learned from the pandemic with an eye toward a post-coronavirus environment.


Airlines Got Travelers Comfortable about Flying Again Once Before – but 9/11 and a Virus Are a Lot Different

Today, fares are at rock bottom, but Americans’ fear of flying may be the highest it’s ever been.

Digital Government

Key Lawmaker Alarmed at Increase in COVID-19 Among DHS Employees

The Secret Service alone has seen a 1,000% increase in positive COVID-19 cases, according to the House Committee on Homeland Security.


One-Third of U.S. Workers Want Permanent Remote Work

A new Morning Consult survey finds many workers would like to continue working from home after the coronavirus pandemic recedes and some would likely move to a new city or state if remote work becomes permanent.


COVID-19 Could Change Government Contact Centers Forever

The pandemic has forced major changes in the way federal agencies serve customers.

Artificial Intelligence

Walter Reed Scientists Use Artificial Intelligence to Screen Drugs to Potentially Treat COVID-19

The Experimental Therapeutics Branch accelerated its research by turning to machine learning, AI and high-performance computing.


If Health Equals Happiness, Will Coronavirus Make the World an Unhappier Place?

The pandemic is likely to have a significant effect on happiness around the world.

Digital Government

Coronavirus Fraudsters Keep Prosecutors Busy

State AGs track millions in false loan and unemployment claims.


Practising Mindfulness Can Help Us through the Coronavirus Pandemic

Researchers are finding new applications and interventions for mindfulness practices to enhance individual well-being.


Dashboard Displays COVID-19 Disparities by County

Although COVID-19 has swept across the entire country, its burden has not been spread equally.


Nearly 3 in 4 US Moms Were in the Workforce Before the COVID-19 Pandemic – Is that Changing?

The ability to telework makes it at least feasible to keep an eye on children on weekdays.