
DISA strategic plan focuses on enterprise, cybersecurity and efficiencies

The latest document is part of a new, multi-layered planning methodology for DISA.


DOD seeks guidance to navigate constant change

Facing budget pressures and a world of shifting priorities, DOD is open to help from contractors as it analyzes and tracks strategies.


Are wartime innovation principles relevant after the war?

Joint explosives organization faces an uncertain post-Afghanistan future, but its CIO hopes that the culture it created will survive and continue to serve the government.


The bright side of budget cuts

Fiscal pressures are forcing the military branches to collaborate and share, potentially leading to smarter, better IT projects, leaders say.


Vet health progress propelled by partnership, vision and IT

The DOD and VA are focused on finding the right technology to serve troops over a lifetime -- even with bumps along the way -- and those closest to the effort say the stumbles are leading to progress.

Digital Government

Why the government isn't ready for sequestration

Only months from deadline, federal agencies are as unprepared as ever for massive budget cuts. What's the holdup?

Digital Government

DOD civilians, not contractors, can expect sequestration’s first punch

More than 100,000 Defense Department employees could lose their jobs to budget cuts early next year, according to a new analysis.


Is the government dropping the ball on cybersecurity?

Despite the potential danger of the cyber threat and a rising chorus of voices urging action, the government seems to be making only halting progress. There are several reasons for that, and no easy solutions.


DOD, other agencies now under the microscope on conference costs

A congressional committee makes GSA conference cost the benchmark for potential excessive spending.


Cyber Command veteran takes new post

Major-General takes role as senior military advisor.


DOD falters on cyber-purchasing plan

A program intended to speed up the acquisition of technology is falling behind schedule, according to reports.

Digital Government

Army general accused of wasteful spending in IG probe

First GSA, then the VA, now an Army officer allegedly involved in frivolous spending. Who's next?

Digital Government

Should we cap pay for cartoonists?

John Klossner offers visual barbs on contractor pay, DOD reports.


DOD officials join Senior Executive Service

Defense secretary Panetta announces new SES members for DISA, OUSD.

Digital Government

DOD's new policy 'likes' social media, but with caveats

DOD is in a race against technology to maintain authority and security amid the explosion of social media.


How a few words could change small-business set-aside picture

The Obama administration is trying to change some wording in the acquisition rules make it easier to set aside R&D solicitations.

Digital Government

Augmented reality: Where the real and virtual worlds meet

Agencies have quietly been adding augmented reality to their bag of tech tricks for years.


Will less federal spending really mean fewer jobs?

Conventional wisdom holds that federal budget cuts lead to less spending on contracts and, therefore, to job declines. Is that really true?


New leadership coming to Missile Defense Agency

Rear Adm. James Syring has been nominated as director of the Missile Defense Agency.

Digital Government

Proposed law to shed sunlight on DOD budget

The DOD hasn't been able to conduct a successful audit, but a new bill would turn up the heat.