Digital Government

Sequestration hearing unravels into partisan 'food fight'

As a hearing intended to help prepare for the effects of sequestration degenerates into a partisan shouting match, one embarrassed congressman calls the event a 'spectacle.'


10 ways to make agile development work for you

GAO has identified 32 best practices for agencies to implement and manage agile software development. We showcase 10 of the best and point you to the rest.


Pentagon sets cybersecurity sights on social media

DARPA is looking for new tools to track social media interaction.

Digital Government

US not ready for cyberattack, NSA director warns

Legislation, partnership with industry are critical to bolster underpowered U.S. cyber defenses, according to the Cyber Command's chief.

Digital Government

Romney promises VA revamp

The presumptive Republican nominee for president has made reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs part of his campaign.


House trims, then passes, DOD spending bill

As lawmakers passed the defense appropriations bill in the late hours of July 19, they put new scrutiny on the department's spending and cut the actual amount appropriated.

Digital Government

Is mobility the key to DOD’s future?

Mobile devices have quickly become an important defense asset, and now the department is looking to a mobile future.


Got an app for that? For combat vets, the answer is yes.

Mobile apps and cutting-edge technology are changing the way we care for our troops -- and maybe, someday, even the general public.


Budget cuts, veto risk complicate defense appropriations bill

The House is getting ready to pass the 2013 defense appropriations bill, but the specter of sequestration -- and a possible veto -- loom over the funding plan.


Former DOD official Michele Flournoy joins Boston Consulting Group

DOD's former under secretary for policy and one-time highest-ranking woman in Pentagon history Michele Flournoy has a new job.

Digital Government

Americans overwhelmingly favor major defense cuts

Memo to DOD: Don't count on public support for avoiding budget cuts. Majorities of both parties favor DOD cuts, although they differ on just how much and exactly which programs should get trimmed, survey suggests.

Digital Government

DOD IG's Twitter followers to get early alerts

If you want to be the first to get alerts to new DOD IG reports, you'd better sign up for Twitter.


CBO predicts defense cost overruns

The DOD disputes a prediction that it will overspend its budget over the next five years, but calls for Congress to allow it more freedom to take cost-cutting measures.

Digital Government

DOD rescinds report length limit after outcry

Saying rule was 'misinterpeted,' DOD will no longer impose length limits on reports to Congress.


For DOD, trust may be the key to cost savings

Unraveling a bureaucracy built on suspicion could be part of the cure for DOD's ills, study suggests.


DISA takes lead role in DOD cloud strategy

DOD's efforts to streamline and economize includes a move from duplicative silos to a more agile approach.

Digital Government

New rule limiting length of DOD reports to Congress draws fire

Hill Republicans are condemning a new Pentagon policy limiting its reports to Congress to 10 pages.


DARPA names new director

Dr. Arati Prabhakar arrives most recently from Silicon Valley, but is no stranger to Washington.


NSA director warns of cyber threats

Gen. Keith Alexander cites need for access to information to thwart attacks.


Cyber warfare: New battlefield, new rules

The old rules of war don’t apply in cyberspace, so the federal government is writing a new book for the new age of combat.