
Biden floats $9B boost to TMF as part of funding surge

The incoming Biden-Harris administration announced a $1.9 trillion "rescue" package to help Americans whose incomes have taken a hit from the pandemic, which includes a major uptick in technology spending to secure government systems and spur modernization.

Digital Government

Don't keep Trump off Twitter

Steve Kelman contends that free speech -- above and beyond the letter of the First Amendment -- should be supported to the fullest extent possible.


Biden taps former Obama aide to lead VA

Denis McDonough would be the second non-veteran to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs.


CISA doesn't plan to tackle COVID vaccine disinformation

CISA’s acting director Brandon Wales said his agency is not the right source to counter anticipated disinformation about coronavirus vaccines.


How dozens of Trump's political appointees will stay in government after Biden takes over

Burrowing has a history that traces back to civil service reforms of the late 1880s, when Congress passed a law to try to ensure that jobs were awarded on merit rather than patronage. The number of hires sought under Trump is so far roughly similar to the tally of other recent administrations, but the types of positions being converted are more political than in the past


Ousted CISA chief would consider role in Biden administration

Chris Krebs, fired by President Trump via Twitter in November, continued to re-enforce his message that the 2020 elections were secure.


GSA's Murphy releases transition funds to Biden

More than two weeks after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election by the Associated Press, the General Services Administration is releasing $7.3 million in transition funding and making other resources available to the president-elect's team.


Trump fires top DHS cyber official who debunked election misinformation

Chris Krebs is out as the government's top cybersecurity official following a tumultuous election and his agency's campaign to debunk election misinformation.


Federal panel sides with VA on union contract

The Federal Service Impasses Panel largely sided with the Department of Veterans Affairs in a contract ruling in a case between the VA and the National Veterans Affairs Council (NVAC).


Biden's GSA transition team brings deep agency ties

The six volunteers tasked with General Services Administration transition planning have worked at GSA, the White House or both.


DHS panel says 2020 vote was 'most secure in American history'

The statement directly contradicts the most recent in a raft of conspiracy theories put forth by President Donald Trump stating that a voting machine vendor secretly changed votes.


OPM veterans on the Biden-Harris transition team

In advance of the General Services Administration designating Biden as president-elect and releasing transition funds, the Biden-Harris team is working outside of government, consulting with former officials and experts.


A Biden-Harris 'reset’ for feds

Federal employee unions and associations are hoping for concrete day-one rollbacks of Trump administration workforce policies on diversity training, official time, collective bargaining and the new 'Schedule F' classification.


Cyber and AI investments could trend up in defense spending

Investments in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence efforts may increase even with flat defense budgets, but a worsening pandemic could dampen those projections.


Lawmakers demand answers from GSA on transition

The head of the General Services Administration must designate Joe Biden as the president-elect before key transition activities can take place, and Democratic lawmakers are growing impatient.


Election Day is over, but threats to voting systems remain

Cyber threats to election systems remain a concern for the Department of Homeland Security well into December throughout the vote counting process.


National Guard taking expanded election support role in 2020

The National Guard has increased its election support duties, especially when it comes to cyber, since 2018. This year guardsmen will be on the keyboards and, in some areas, at the polls.


Group warns of gaps in election infrastructure

The security of voting infrastructure has come a long way since 2016, but it still depends on the state and local governments maintaining it, said a digital rights and election technology expert.

Digital Government

Voting in Georgia: good news for democracy, bad news about govtech

The lines for early voting in Georgia are a sign of citizen engagement, Steve Kelman writes. But they're at least partly due to a new digital voting system.


CISA confident on election cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's efforts to help state and local governments secure their election critical infrastructure are in an intense home stretch for 2020, according to the agency's top risk manager.