Digital Government

Trump pulls the plug on COVID stimulus

The news comes as cities and states continue to shed public-sector jobs and the chief of the Federal Reserve called for a new round of stimulus.


Post-election shutdown risk looms

Five weeks separate the November elections and the expiration date on the current stopgap funding measure keeping the federal government operational – and a path to avoiding a shutdown is not entirely clear.


Trump's diversity training purge becomes a debate topic

At the first presidential debate, Donald Trump said that he had ordered trainings on race and gender sensitivity training canceled because the curriculum is "racist". His opponent countered saying, "he's the racist."

Digital Government

Experts tout election security gains since 2016

While threats to election infrastructure endure, experts are telling the public not to lose sight of the many security gains that have been put in place over the last four years.

Digital Government

Disinformation on the cheap

Online influence operations are often easy and cheap to set up with open source tooling, according to new research from Cisco Talos.


With the clock ticking, a House committee looks to election security

Election readiness, the cybersecurity fallout from COVID-induced telework and network monitoring and will be key areas of focus for House Homeland Security Democrats this year.

Digital Government

Lag continues for federal voting system standards

The election community wants the EAC to speed up its process for approving new voting system standards. Public comments on draft requirements show there are still numerous unresolved conflicts to hash out.

Digital Government

'Unprecedented' challenges to safe, secure 2020 vote

Our election infrastructure is bending under the stress of multiple crises. Administrators say they are doing all they can to ensure it doesn't break.


Maloney holds on to seat

The chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee appears to have won her primary after six weeks of vote counting that was complicated by a proliferation of contested absentee ballots.


Does the White House need a new risk management chief?

Recommendations from an ACT-IAC paper for the next presidential term include a chief risk management officer based at the Office of Management and Budget.


Spy chief sees 2020 election security as 'number one goal'

Gen. Nakasone's remarks come as a group of former senior officials seek funds to counter the "extraordinary challenges" posed by coronavirus pandemic and foreign interference to state and local election administrators.

Digital Government

Schiff: Trump's vote-by-mail attacks are 'seed' for disinformation campaigns

The House Intel Chair said the president's targeting of absentee ballots provides an anchor for foreign and domestic actors to amplify false narratives about the integrity of the 2020 election.


Oversight chief locked in tight primary

Just seven months after taking over the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Carolyn Maloney finds herself in a tight primary race against a progressive challenger in her New York City district.

Digital Government

$3T COVID relief bill includes tech money and restructures health acquisition

The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, proposed by House Democrats, calls for far more than additional stimulus checks and emergency funding for state and local governments. FCW breaks down the provisions.