
Energy offers a website redesign cautionary tale

The Energy Department's recent web redesign resulted in documents going missing. The reason for the disappearance could affect other agencies.


Energy Department to establish new cyber center

Energy Department CIO highlights importance of partnerships in fighting cyber threats.


US power grid gets better cyber defenses thanks to new initiative

A new initiative between government and private sector aims to boost cybersecurity for the power grid and keep hackers at bay.

Digital Government

Analysis: Cybersecurity puzzle is a tough one to solve

Experts agree a multidimensional approach to cybersecurity is necessary, but what does that really mean?


Jeremy Thomas: A new way to secure classified systems

Thomas led a team that deployed a diskless architecture for the classified computing environment at Idaho National Laboratory.

Digital Government

Jay Huie: Here's how to pull together a plan

Huie spearheaded development of the Energy Department's IT Strategic Roadmap and played an instrumental role in getting input from IT leaders across the department.


Energy lab back online after cyberattack

Pacific Northwest lab restores public websites and Internet access nearly two weeks after a hack exploited a zero-day vulnerability.


Energy labs recovering from cyberattacks

Labs knocked offline are recovering, investigating the cyberattacks that hit them over the weekend.


Cyberattack hits Energy lab

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has shut down its website and Internet access as a result of an attack that shows some similarities to one that hit Oak Ridge National Laboratory in April.


Attacks take Energy labs offline

The Pacific Northwest National Lab and the Thomas Jefferson Laboratory National Accelerator Facility shut down outside Internet access after a cyberattack.

Digital Government

Los Alamos lab to restart supercomputers

After a wildfire forced the lab's closure, officials are preparing to restart the Cray and IBM supercomputers used for weapons research.

Digital Government

The best of the federal blogosphere

LaHood peddles pedaling to work; high gas prices don't deter drivers; OSTI's Greek philosophy; space shuttle era draws to a close.


GAO: Agencies question usefulness of contract inventories

Some agency officials fear their in-depth inventories of service contracts will turn out to be useful to no one due to funding, manpower shortages.


DOE announces $130M from its Advanced Research Projects Agency

Breakthroughs in biofuels, rare earth alternatives and solar power electronics are just some of the areas DOE will focus on.


Energy's mission for cutting-edge communications

The Energy Department's Cammie Croft talks about the challenges of being a social media advocate in the federal government and the importance of staying on the front lines of new technology.


Blog fail! 3 blogs that just don't cut it.

Here are a handful of federal blogs that aren't winners, for one reason or another.

Digital Government

DOE seeks funds for clean fuel, nuclear power

DOE's proposed fiscal 2012 budget calls for supporting the president's clean fuel initiatives, energy research and more nuclear power.

Digital Government

The sound of pencils sharpening ...

Well, today we got the first look at a partial list of the $74 billion in non-defense/non-security budget cuts that the new Republican majority aims to propose in the upcoming continuing resolution to fund the government through the end of the 2011 Fiscal Year.

Digital Government

Energy Department launches redesigned site debuts a new look today with links to social networking sites.