
DOE freezes contractor employees' pay

The Energy Department will implement a two-year freeze on salary increases and bonuses for department contractors who manage day-to-day operations at certain agency sites, including national laboratories.

Digital Government

Social media looms in regulations development

New Web 2.0 tools are changing the ways in which government makes and implements rules and regulations.

Digital Government

Solar power coming to the White House

President Barack Obama will begin showering with sun-heated water next year, as part of a solar energy project at the White House.

Digital Government

Los Alamos Lab launches private cloud

The Energy Department’s Los Alamos National Laboratory has launched a private cloud that lets researchers automatically request virtual servers on-demand.

Digital Government

DOE portal speeds up loan process for clean-energy technologies

The Department of Energy has launched an online portal designed to reduce the time it takes for companies developing innovative technology for clean energy projects to apply for loan guarantees.

Digital Government

A few bons mots on Drupal, Facebook from DOE's new media director

Cammie Croft, who heads up new media at the Energy Department, talks about the new Energy Blog that uses Drupal and about a recent dust-up on Facebook.

Digital Government

DOE in search of friends, followers in social media sphere

The Energy Department has just set up its official Facebook page even though Secretary Steven Chu has sponsored his own Facebook page for over a year.


DOE launches smart grid Web portal

The Energy Department has started a new Smart Grid Information Clearinghouse Web site in beta form to provide a forum for information sharing on smart grid technologies.


You've got Gmail: Berkeley Lab moving to Google platform

About 5,000 e-mail users at the Energy Department's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California are getting Google's cloud-based Gmail system for electronic communications.

Digital Government

Is cloud computing fast enough for science?

Early results from the Energy Department's Magellan cloud computing project suggest a slowdown in the cloud for some types of scientific research.


Magellan explores the cloud as a research tool

The Energy Department is exploring the effectiveness of cloud computing for scientific research in its Magellan program.


James Cameron, Kevin Costner bring Hollywood know-how to gulf oil spill

'Avatar' and 'Titanic' director James Cameron and 'Waterworld' star Kevin Costner are working with oil giant BP and government officials on separate remedies for the Gulf oil spill disaster.


Federal 100: Jeff Eagan



Energy CIO Tom Pyke to retire Feb. 27

Energy Department Chief Information Officer Tom Pyke announced his retirement in a note to staff.


Looking for new ways to attract young people to government

The Partnership for Public Service tries an interesting approach to filling entry-level jobs in critical areas, writes blogger Steve Kelman.


DOE uses cloud computing for science, CIO says

Energy Department CIO Tom Pyke today outlined some benefits from using cloud computing for scientific computations.


AFCEA branches into federal energy initiatives

Newly focused chapter to facilitate collaboration between industry and government leaders in science, technology and policy.

Digital Government

Security lacking for Los Alamos classified network, GAO says

The national laboratory overseeing the nation’s nuclear stockpile has some serious security shortfalls, according to auditors.


'Smart grid' projects to get $3.4B in grants

President Barack Obama today announced $3.4 billion in grants for smart-grid projects in 49 states, including purchase of smart meters, sensors and systems.