
3 questions to consider before moving a data center to the cloud

Remaking data centers in the image of a cloud means delivering IT services to internal customers with operations that are efficient, flexible and fast.


New NASA CIO views technology as an enabler

Cureton brings social media savvy to new post as NASA CIO.


IG: Energy needs more protection for some data

The Energy Department's inspector general says more action is needed to protect the department's electronic information that is unclassified, but sensitive.


Debate still rages on federal use of cookies

A plan to allow Web tracking technology on government Web sites draws protests, support.


Regulators urged to lighten up on award-fee rules

Agencies asked regulators to avoid more burdensome rules and reporting requirements.


Agencies play by different rules on contractor award fees, says GAO

Federal agencies are not being consistent in how they distribute contractor award fees, according to a senior GAO official.


6 steps to cutting the cord with departing employees

NASA uses a check in/check out de-provisioning checklist that invokes six inter-departmental actions that cut off outgoing workers from networks, applications, e-mail accounts and other agency resources.


Emergency IT authority for FERC gains support

Support is growing for proposals to give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission additional authority to act during an emergency involving a cyberattack on the country's electric power system.


FERC lays out priorities for Smart Grid standards

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said cybersecurity is among its priorities for standards being developed for the country's next-generation, technology-enabled electric grid.


Research site adds social networking

A quick-share tool added to makes it easier to share results through social-networking Web sites.


GAO: DOE needs to establish data performance goals

The Energy Department doesn't have adequate reporting measures in place to quantify how much success its national laboratories have in producing scientific research that private industry and others can use to develop new technologies, according to the Government Accountability Office.


House passes bills on technology, science

The House has approved bills designed to strengthen federal agencies' cooperation on international science and technology research and on domestic science education.


Smart grid standards released

The government has released a list of 16 interoperability and security standards for the smart electric grid.


FCW Insider: Is IT security a drag on the mission?

Many readers were flabbergasted to hear that Energy Secretary Steven Chu suggested that his department is too fixated on security concerns.

Digital Government

Chu: IT security a drag on Energy's mission

The Cabinet officer says he intends to balance information security with getting the department's work done faster.


Coordinated efforts needed to fight cyberattacks

Agencies must prepare to face adversaries capable of launching persistent attacks from multiple locations, experts say at a cybersecurity conference.


Administration addresses power grid weaknesses

The Obama administration is speeding development of cyber protections for the smart grid.


FERC needs to step up oversight of grid security, experts say

Experts recommend more oversight and possibly more statutory authority for federal officials to better guard against cyber spies reportedly gaining access to the nation's power grids.


Federal 100 winner: Carlos M. Segarra Sr.

Segarra, deputy director and program executive for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Diskless Operations program, created a robust, scalable and secure thin client that eliminated the security risk posed by removable media in a classified environment.


Federal 100 winner: Mark Seager

As director of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program, Seager launched a partnership between the federal government and the private sector that led to the Hyperion Collaboration, a first-of-its-kind consortium that provides a test bed for high-performance computing.