
GAO: Energy faces problems with stimulus billions

The stimulus law sends almost $12 billion to Energy Department programs with track records that raise concerns about accountability, the GAO says.


The best security strategy: Low expectations

Members of a panel of security experts today painted a gloomy picture of the cybersecurity landscape, in which rapidly evolving threats and conditions ensure that even the best solutions are likely to remain piecemeal and temporary.


Upgraded site offers information on research projects

An Energy Department site has added projects from the Defense Department, NASA and the Transportation Research Board to its federal R&D project summaries portal.


Final stimulus bill keeps billions for IT

Major IT programs survived and thrived in the final version of the stimulus bill set to go before the House and Senate later today.


Senate to vote on Stimulus cut for IT

Sens. Nelson and Collins are promoting an amendment that would cut $83 billion from the stimulus package, including reductions in major IT items.


Stimulus bills excite IT community

The $900 billion economic stimulus package moving through Congress includes as much as $100 billion in IT initiatives and infrastructure investments – more than the federal government spent on all of its IT needs last year.


Stimulus bills have big bucks for ‘green’ IT programs

Funding and developing energy efficiencies, renewable resources and the technologies to support them would create jobs, members of Congress say.


Bush appointees linked with company lobbying, report says

Fifteen former Cabinet-level officials in the Bush administration are now working for companies that lobby their former agencies, according to a report from a government watchdog group.


Satisfied employees prove value

Good management has a role in making employees feel engaged and important, and evokes better performance.


Researchers get supercomputer time from DOE

The program gives scientists access to powerful supercomputers to speed research.


FedTracker: Obama picks leaders for Energy and EPA

The next administration's environmental team is falling into place.