
House passes bill to trim energy use at federal data centers

The Energy Efficient Government Technology Act would re-baseline data center efficiency standards and require OMB to coordinate with agencies on energy saving technology.


Energy Dept. seeks $83M increase to harden grid against cyberattack

The Department of Energy has requested an $83 million increase in funding to modernize the US electrical grid, the largest increase for any DOE research and development initiative.


Former DOE employee pleads guilty to attempted spear-phishing

Charles Harvey Eccleston, who was fired by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2010, offered to sell a list of 5,000 email addresses of purported NRC employees to undercover FBI agents posing as representatives of a foreign government, the DOJ statement said.


Nuclear response teams get a lighter load

The federal agency that responds to radiological incidents around the country doesn't have as much communications gear to lug around these days.


Former DOE CTO Tseronis joins Deep Water Point

Peter Tseronis, who left the Energy Department last month, is now working at a Washington-based consulting firm that connects investors and entrepreneurs with federal business opportunities.


EHSS looks for IT help

The Department of Energy is seeking a single source of application and infrastructure support for a host of small agencies under the DoE umbrella.


Do air gaps protect nuke power plant systems?

Industrial control systems at nuclear power plants are typically isolated from the Internet, but there are potential bridges for hackers to beat such "air gaps."


DOE tech officer set to leave

Associate CIO and CTO Peter Tseronis is leaving the Energy Department at the end of the month.


DOE CISO heads to Commerce

Rod Turk is returning to the Commerce Department after a year at Energy.

Digital Government

Creating the next-generation manufacturing world

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is teaming with Autodesk to research advanced applications for 3D printing.


Sandia wants to help security analysts see better

A research agreement with EyeTracking Inc. could benefit intelligence analysts working to identify security threats.

Digital Government

A nuclear blast from the past

Vintage reel-to-reel data recorders are still spitting out telemetry on weapons tests three decades later.


Cyber sprint laggards tell their stories (anonymously)

Energy, Justice and Education posted three of the worst performances on the recent results from the federal government's 30-day cyber sprint. What gives? And are the numbers really that important?


Senator fights electrical apocalypse

Sen. Ron Johnson plans to funnel $100 million toward quick hardening of the U.S. power grid. But with so much at stake, he contends, much more should be done.