
Physical security tech goes nuclear

Sandia Labs' SecuritySeal device for locking down nuclear materials can also secure more everyday items.


Hruby to begin as Sandia director

Longtime national labs official will be the first woman to lead one of the Energy Department's nuclear security laboratories.


Sandia seeks to commercialize unclonable ID tech

The lab is looking for industry help to turn its research into practical authentication solutions.


DOE launching renewable energy pilot

Web-based "central assistance platform" to anchor effort to fund national labs' partnerships with small businesses to develop clean energy technology.

Digital Government

New study could help bio-threat response

The goal is to be able to predict outcomes from terrorist incidents involving anthrax.

Digital Government

Organs the size of a smartphone screen

“Homo minutus” could revolutionize the way biologists and medical personnel screen new drugs or toxic agents.


Should the National Labs be exempt from FITARA?

Senate bill carves out exemption for supercomputing and other lab IT; an earlier version of the measure would have exempted the entire Department of Energy.

Digital Government

Hadron collider data tap open again

The facility shut down in 2012 for modifications that increased the volume and quality of data generated.

Digital Government

Can Wikipedia forecast the flu?

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory say Wikipedia article access logs are highly correlated with historical influenza-like illness records.


PNNL gets new director

Longtime director for science and technology steps into lab's top job.


DOE to get new CIO

Michael Johnson will move to the Energy Department from the Office of Science and Technology Policy.