Digital Government

White House sets up health IT task force

The Office of Management and Budget and HHS are creating a health IT task force for better coordination.


Obama's health plan would expand use of IT

President Obama's health care plan includes some new databases and IT systems to reduce fraud and waste.

Digital Government

Indian Health Service to upgrade its EHR system

The Indian Health Service plans to upgrade its digital health record system this year.

Digital Government

Doctors frustrated by Medicare quality reporting data program

Some doctors' practices were dissatisfied with the reports they got for participating in a Medicare quality reporting program, according to a new survey.

Digital Government

Departments award nearly $1B in grants for health IT

Federal departments have awarded $386 million for state health information exchanges, $375 million for health IT regional extension centers and $225 million for health IT training.


SSA to share data with 15 more health information exchanges

The Social Security Administration awarded $17.4 million to 15 health information exchanges that will begin sharing their patient medical data with agency.

Digital Government

Wait another year for patient safety data, GAO says

Information required under the Patient Safety Act likely won't be available until February 2011, according to a new report.


SSA health exchange generates extra $2M for users, study finds

A health data exchange between MedVirginia and the Social Security Administration is generating extra revenue, a new report says.

Digital Government

'Meaningful use' could be facilitated by PHRs, says ONC official

Joshua Seidman, a new official at the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, talked about an issue that means a lot to vendors of personal health record systems.

Digital Government

HHS preparing to award $50M for Health IT Research Center

HHS is preparing to launch its Health IT Research Center devoted to meaningful use of electronic health records under the economic stimulus law.

Digital Government

Blog Briefs: Military spouses, Hollywood actors, health IT and vets debriefed

A roundup from the blog rolls of the federal government.


HHS plan calls for improved communications, IT systems

The Health and Human Services Department has released the nation's first health security strategy, which includes some technologies for improving communications.

Digital Government

HHS wants contractor to test privacy of 'anonymous' data

One of the important issues in the health IT discussion is whether patient medical data can be kept private and anonymous, and now the HHS is looking for a contractor to research that question.


Medical claims database could aid research on best treatments

The Health and Human Services Department announced plans to use economic stimulus law funding to create a new database of medical claims for all payors nationwide.

Digital Government

HHS beefs up health IT coordinator's office

The Health and Human Services Department's Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will double in size to prepare for regulations.


FDA readies new data systems for drug safety

The Food and Drug Administration will expand its tracking of drug safety once the drugs enter the marketplace, according to a new report.

Digital Government

Watchdog issues privacy report card for personal health record systems

While HHS is preparing rules for electronic health records, a separate technology known as personal health records is getting attention from a watchdog group.


IT security for medical devices a problem, officials say

Medical devices on the VA's networks make it difficult to ensure data security, two senior officials told a federal health IT panel.


IT turkeys: 7 government projects worthy of a roast

Over the years, the American public has been gifted with its share of computer-based turkeys -- information technology projects gone wrong, often at spectacular expense.

Digital Government

NIH preparing small business GWAC for IT services

The National Institutes of Health has released a draft RFP for a small business set-aside acquisition vehicle that will cover a broad array of IT services.