Digital Government

Hospitals tighten security on patient data

More than half of health care executives surveyed said they are buying new cybersecurity tools to comply with the economic stimulus law's requirements to protect patient data.

Digital Government

Medical mapping tool ready for test drive

The National Library of Medicine has released a draft mapping tool to link a standardized medical vocabulary of clinical terms to applications for billing and claims.


HHS seeking solutions to address FISMA compliance for health exchange

Federal health IT leaders are looking for ideas on how federal agencies can maintain their FISMA compliance while also engaging in patient data exchange.


USDA grants aim to expand health care to rural areas

Nearly $35 million in grants from the USDA aim to support telemedicine and distance learning in rural areas.


HHS to award health-data network contracts by year's end

HHS is planning to award a series of competitive contracts for the Nationwide Health Information Network later this year.


VA wants to share aging health IT system

VA CIO Roger Baker has asked IAC for help in formulating ideas to spread the department's health information technology system more broadly into the private sector

Digital Government

Craigslist founder to work with VA

Craigslist founder will help judge ideas on how to improve the way disability claims are processed for veterans.


Cancer institute seeks expert to develop data standards

The National Cancer Institute plans to standardize data elements in its research grid for better information sharing.


Vendors flock to HHS's health information exchange

HHS' Connect software for health information exchange has been distributed to hundreds of organizations that who are starting to use it.


Panel seeks Rx for secure health data exchange

A workgroup hears about the problems in implementing common standards for an electronic health care data exchange.


Government agencies to spend $15 billion on health IT by 2014

Federal, state and local governments are projected to spend $15 billion in 2014 for the IT systems that support their public health and health insurance programs.


Wireless medical records system comes to Indianapolis

Emergency medical workers in Indianapolis and its suburbs now have access to electronic health records.


VA and industry join to develop health record strategy

The VA's CIO has asked an industry group to advise the department on whether to deploy the VistA digital health record system more broadly to private hospitals and providers.


New IT tools to track swine flu

Just in time for flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have begun using new tools to track seasonal and H1N1 flu and educate the public about treatment.


Web-based health insurance portals get Senate committee nod

The health reform bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would establish Web-based health insurance portals to be used by millions of consumers.

Digital Government

Health centers get $27.8M for health IT projects

HHS will spend almost $28 million for health IT projects in 21 states.


Progress still slow on electronic health record adoption

The use of electronic health records is being held back by a debate over patients' rights, industry officials said today.

Digital Government

Health data breach notification rule starts Sept. 23

A new Health and Human Services Department rule that requires health care organizations to notify patients when their data is disclosed without authorization goes into effect Sept. 23.

Digital Government

Electronic health records open patient privacy questions

An HHS advisory committee that will set rules for privacy of patients' health records considers consent rules.

Digital Government

Health IT panel approves intermediaries for data

Health and Human Services Department's Health IT Standards Committee has adopted a framework for the flow of patient data to be collected and aggregated to measure the quality of care.