Digital Government

Commission to start preliminary certifications for EHRs

A group that certifies electronic health records will give health care providers a head start on getting incentive payments under the economic stimulus law.


States will get federal help for electronic health records programs

State Medicaid directors will be reimbursed for 90 percent of their administrative costs for overseeing incentive payments for some health IT programs, CMS says.

Digital Government

Patient safety data formats get update

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has updated the data formats for its program for providers to electronically submit data on patient safety.


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Here's our list of reasons for doing our annual Federal List issue.


CMS considers contractors for identifier program

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is considering using contractors to operate a national system for assigning health providers unique identifying numbers.


IG faults VA for mismanagement of IT project

The failure of the VA's RSA project is due more to systemic IT management problems than to contracting issues, according to a new report from the IG's office.


Health IT group to offer security certification to vendors

The Health Information Trust Alliance will certify security products against its Common Security Framework as the government moves to establish an infrastructure, national standards and privacy requirements for the handling of electronic health care records.


VA blames coding error for fatal disease scare

The VA now blames computer coding error for wrongly informing about 620 veterans that they have the fatal Lou Gehrig's disease.


SSA testing Microsoft HealthVault

SSA has made an agreement with Microsoft HealthVault to link to patient medical data to improve the determinations of disability.


HHS strikes out on search for new telehealth center

HHS says it hasn't gotten any applications to run a national telehealth center.


State and local health IT spending to hit $9.6 billion by 2014

State and local governments are projected to spend 4.6 percent more per year on health IT through 2014, according to Input Inc., a market research firm.


VA wrongly tells vets they have a fatal disease

The VA mistakenly notified as many as 1,200 veterans that they have the fatal Lou Gehrig's disease, according to a veterans service group.


FDA plans electronic medical device reports

The FDA has plans to convert its postmarket medical device reporting from paper forms to an electronic system.


How state CIOs can help with health IT

State CIOs can play a critical role in deployment of health IT, according to a new report.


NIH revamps acquisition center's image

The agency's IT acquisition center has shed its assisted-acquisition services and will instead focus on GWACs.


HHS to industry: Help assess health IT networks

HHS has asked industry to help conduct a nationwide analysis of health information exchange infrastructures.

Digital Government

Panel backs phased-in standards for electronic records

A federal advisory group today endorsed the idea that standards for electronic health records should grow more detailed over time.

Digital Government

Personal health records rule cracks down on vendors

The FTC published a final rule that will require vendors of personal health records to notify consumers if their security has been breached.

Digital Government

HHS could create health IT incentives for specialists

HHS may need to develop special health information technology incentives for medical specialists under the economic stimulus law, an advisory group says.


HHS walks a tightrope on health information exchange, advisory group says

HHS is walking a tightrope in trying to craft the right balance for health information exchanges, according to a federal advisory group's report.