
Gartner explains the hype

Blockchain, AI and IoT all have the potential to transform government IT, the research firm's latest analysis predicts.


Trump targets China for IP policies

A new presidential memorandum tasks the U.S. Trade Representative with addressing China’s policy of compelling foreign companies to divulge trade secrets in exchange for access to the Chinese markets.


GCN announces 2017 dig IT Award finalists

From mobile security to smarter transit to swarming drones, these 25 projects represent the best of discovery and innovation in government IT.


Rules for IT radicals

A pragmatic guide to realistically disrupting the federal IT space.

Digital Government

Special forces testing new anti-drone systems

The Navy unit that oversees SEAL teams is set to test a system that can find and jam an increasing number of weaponized consumer-market drone aircraft.


To innovate, Trump tech office must prioritize users

Many administrations have tried to make government more efficient and innovative, but success requires flexibility and focus on the customer.

Digital Government

Is government ready for AI?

Dozens of agencies are at least dabbling in artificial intelligence, but big concerns remain about transparency and the impact on the human workforce.

Digital Government

Is the Data Act proving out?

Key sponsors of the Data Act from both parties have good things to say about the financial information being released under the law.

Digital Government

Can tech geeks crack the codes of Congress?

A new challenge will call for ideas that use 21st century technology to reimagine legislative data.


Lira: IT modernization needs new 'organizational structure'

One of the White House's special innovation officers is looking to change culture, not just modernize tech.

Digital Government

Trump tech office reaches out to feds

The White House's Matt Lira describes weekly meetings to forge and foster collaboration across siloed tech groups.


DHS execs own FLASH fail

The department's failure to launch an agile services contract can serve as a teachable moment, according to DHS procurement officials.

Digital Government

Bray to join NGA as chief venture officer

The FCC CIO is taking his change agent game to the intelligence community.

Digital Government

USAF secretary calls for more research and innovation

New Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson says that in addition to pressing readiness and modernization needs, the service must prioritize innovation, research and realigning the cyber workforce.

Digital Government

How State wants to innovate

The State Department is contemplating a procurement that can drive innovation and collaboration among U.S. diplomats.


Help us find this year's Rising Stars

Make your nominations today for federal IT's next generation of change agents.


GSA chief: Central IT fund is a start, not a remedy

While President Trump's budget proposal includes a $228 million investment for a general IT modernization fund, the head of the agency overseeing the fund sees the initial investment as more of a proof of concept than a panacea.


Forcing culture change at DOD

Study after study has argued that the Department of Defense is risk averse and unable to rapidly adapt to changing technology. One former official says it's time to use force to change innovation culture at the Pentagon.


Why DIUx shouldn't exist

While DIUx is addressing defense innovation and acquisition shortfalls, experts say the need for a procurement acceleration program shows just how broken the acquisition process is.


White House takes on technology revamp

The White House is standing up a technology council to "transform and modernize" the government's IT and digital services.