Digital Government

E-diplomacy guru seeks elected office

Alec Ross, a pioneer of e-diplomacy at the State Department and an adviser to Hillary Clinton, is running for governor of Maryland.


'Full speed' at DIUx, says chief

The 2017 Defense authorization bill put temporary funding restrictions on DIUx, but the innovation organization says it is forging ahead and now has 25 contracts in place worth $48 million.


Virtual roadblocks to modernization

Our aging federal IT infrastructure is a big impediment to using state-of-the-art tech applications for government service delivery.


How government can securely move IT systems to the cloud

To manage the risks and maximize the opportunities, agencies keep five key considerations in mind.


What DOD's next CIO will have to deal with

It could be months before the Defense Department has a new CIO, and he or she will face a host of organizational and operational challenges from Day One


Doing less with less

Tech modernization is a pressing need for agencies government-wide, but in times of budget cuts and uncertainty, plans to upgrade legacy IT tend to be among the first projects taken of the table.

Digital Government

Why Trump should dump spreadsheets

Many agencies still create multi-billion-dollar budgets in Excel spreadsheets, making it difficult to avoid the exact kind of waste the Office of Management and Budget wants to eliminate.


Senate appropriators go to Jared

A pair of senators with a standing interest in improving IT acquisition is looking to Jared Kushner's new innovation team for help modernizing legacy tech.

Digital Government

Citizen engagement: a pathway for government reform

New technologies are bringing citizens into the halls of government, and redefining how citizens collaborate in the future.


Can Jared fix federal IT?

Seasoned government managers are hopeful about an innovation effort backed by the president, but they see pitfalls and the possibility of duplication.


The new Office of American Innovation -- let's give Trump credit

Steve Kelman sees several reasons to be optimistic about the administration's new initiative to spark innovation in government management.


DIUx head wants to drive culture change at DOD

The head of the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental says his goal is to drive culture change in the DOD's acquisition and innovation processes rather than make DIUx the acquisition arm of the DOD.


The identity threat

To provide a robust defense and protect the identity-based perimeter, government agencies must consider new thinking and approaches.

Digital Government

CIO Council: Get on the same platform

The CIO Council wants agencies to modernize using shared cloud-supported solutions and hosted APIs.

Digital Government

Does Congress need a digital service?

As trust in elected officials and media reaches historic lows, open government advocates believe increased transparency and public engagement are vital to rebuilding that faith.

Digital Government

Canada, U.S. talk data sharing

Following on an Obama administration agreement on cross-border data sharing last year, DHS Secretary Kelly meets with Canadian security officials for the first time.


'A prototype is worth a thousand meetings'

SBA CIO Maria Roat is urging agencies to encourage experimentation -- and to not confuse modernization with innovation.

Digital Government

Former 18F director joins cBrain

The former head of the General Services Administration's 18F innovation shop has joined service founder Greg Godbout at the digital government firm cBrain.

Digital Government

18F: The empire strikes back

Oversight has its place, Steve Kelman writes, but the IG reports focused on 18F almost seem hostile to innovation.


Updates from the procurement innovation front

Steve Kelman checks in on some of his favorite examples of shaking up the government status quo.