
IARPA looks to the crowd

The intelligence R&D lab wants a platform for crowdsourcing the development and refining of arguments.


Comey: Industry letter on encryption is 'depressing'

The FBI director said a head-on collision is coming between privacy and public safety.


Fate of surveillance program lies in Senate's hands

After the House voted overwhelmingly to rein in the NSA's bulk-data collection program, the Senate is set for a showdown.


Spy gadgets, transparency and 800 monkeys

Robert Litt, general counsel for the ODNI, argues that Congress and the courts have a say on intelligence policy, but not on the tech used to implement it.


NSA chief wary of proxies

Adm. Michael Rogers says nation-states might increasingly turn to surrogates to conduct cyberattacks.


IARPA, IBM look to advance quantum computing

IBM scientists say they have solved a crucial problem in quantum computing, just in time for an upcoming IARPA event on the subject.


NSA's Silicon Valley outreach a work in progress

The wounds left by disclosures of National Security Agency surveillance may not have healed, but the NSA will continue to plumb Silicon Valley for talent.


One down, one to go on info sharing legislation

The House passed the Intelligence Committee's version of an information sharing bill, and has the Homeland Security measure on deck.


Piecing together the insider threat puzzle

Software and automation are crucial to preventing leaks and sabotage, but they're not the only tools deployed by agencies that collect and guard secret information.


NSA touts role in cyber investigations

National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers called for closer and more rapid collaboration with the private sector in investigating cyber intrusions.


IARPA eyes insider-threat tech

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's April 16 Proposers' Day will explore advances in continuous monitoring of insider threats.


New NGA CIO 'bullish' on IT deployment

NGA CIO and director of IT services Douglas McGovern say his new office will help the agency deliver better intelligence to government customers.


Cyber commander wants more offense

National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers calls for more offense, while Sen. John McCain blasts the administration for lack of effective deterrence.


When Americans approve of government surveillance

A new survey finds broad support for certain types of electronic monitoring -- including keeping tabs on U.S. government leaders -- but the more people learn, the more their confidence in surveillance efforts wanes.