
Drawing back the curtain on cyberwar

Shane Harris' book "@War" details the personalities and turf battles behind the U.S. government's conclusion that cyberspace is a national security asset.


Can the Pentagon keep pace on biometrics?

The Defense Department has launched an improved version of its biometrics repository, but the system still lacks the latest technology.


Peering into the cyber future

A new IARPA program looks to fund technology that can anticipate rather than react to cyber threats.


ICITE faces 'cultural resistance'

Former Acting DIA Director David Shedd said an IC-wide IT platform faces bureaucratic resistance, the same day that DNI James Clapper said the platform was key to promoting intelligence integration.


DNI worries about cumulative, not catastrophic, cyber threat

DNI James Clapper is less worried about a cyber Pearl Harbor than death from a thousand cuts.


How (and why) the CIA plans to expand cyber capabilities

The spy agency wants to better integrate cybersecurity into its traditional human intelligence operations.


NSA's Rogers makes the case for cyber norms

Responding indirectly to evidence that Iran’s cyber capabilities have improved because of a U.S.-Israeli cyberattack, NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers said clearer norms could help prevent such escalation.


Daniels: CTIIC will take pressure off White House

The new cyber intel center will have about 50 staffers to start, with about half permanent employees and half detailees from intelligence agencies.

Digital Government

NGA banks on the power of transparency

Agency director touts data shared to combat Ebola, says open approach "is our future."

Digital Government

Using SIGINT to detect trends

IARPA uses publicly available data to predict crises; now it wants to use signals intelligence for the same purpose.