
New cyber agency modeled on counterterrorism center

The cyber center, being announced today, is intended to give federal agencies a way to “connect the dots” on cyber-threat patterns.


Navy intelligence challenged by big data

Rear Adm. Elizabeth Train says a common networking architecture is a pressing need.


President's spending plan shines spotlight on digital services

Overall IT spending is tabbed at $86.4 billion, with much of the increase driven by a hike in cybersecurity funding.


NGA to merge CIO and IT services

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency reorganization is an effort to bolster IC ITE, an ambitious IC-wide IT architecture.


The latest chapter in 'preventing the next Snowden'

A DISA project with Metalogix is aimed at dispensing with the kind of thumb drives that aided NSA contractor Edward Snowden's activities.


U.S. intelligence challenged by technology, cyber

In what might be described as a State of U.S. Intelligence address, Undersecretary of Defense Michael Vickers said insecurity in cyberspace is on par with terrorism but IT can help with the challenge.


Lawmakers, former officials debate next move in cyberspace

The Obama administration has publicly accused North Korea of sponsoring the massive hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, and levied fresh sanctions against the Hermit Kingdom. For some inside and outside of government, that's not enough.


The FBI, North Korea and the future of cyber investigations

Experts questioning the FBI's presentation of evidence against North Korea argue that making an arguably ambiguous case is counter-productive to U.S. efforts to build norms in cyberspace.


How IARPA hopes to get ahead of cyberattacks

The intelligence community's research shop wants to move beyond the typical emphasis on "post mortem analysis."


Outgoing Intelligence chairman warns of cyber vulnerabilities

Retiring Michigan Republican Mike Rogers’ valedictory is the latest in a series of dire warnings about the need to bolster cyber defenses.


IARPA awards contracts for supercomputer development

"Cryogenic" systems could bring currently unthinkable computing power into the realm of possibility.

Digital Government

NSA returns to open source

The National Security Agency wants the private sector to use its NiFi tool to handle commercial big-data needs.


Looking beyond Google Glass: IARPA plots new generation of wearables

Intelligence research agency wants to look "beyond current prototypes in development and extend up to 10 years in the future."


DIA fleshes out data science needs

While much of the DORE project remains classified, the Defense Intelligence Agency has released a few details about what it is looking for in the areas of Internet of things, social media and open-source support.


NSA director predicts major cyberattack by 2025

Adm. Michael Rogers, leader of NSA and U.S. Cyber Command, testified on Capitol Hill on Nov. 20 about pending cybersecurity legislation.