Digital Government

Should social media affect your security clearance?

As continuous evaluation efforts ramp up, the intelligence community is testing ways to fold online postings into the mix.


Can DHS get it together?

Slowly but surely, the agency's ability to handle cybersecurity has evolved -- but experts say key hurdles remain.


IARPA unveils work on predictive intelligence

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity held its first industry day Oct. 30, and in doing so underlined predictive intelligence as a priority.

Digital Government

NGA releases unclassified mapping tool for Ebola relief

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency wants to support Ebola relief with a customizable mapping tool.


Former DIA director to join SBD Advisors

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn is the latest in a growing list of former Pentagon officials to join the consulting firm.


NSA CTO's moonlighting gig ends

Former NSA Director Keith Alexander drops collaboration with CTO Patrick Dowd after conflict-of-interest questions arise.


Information sharing: Are we safer?

A decade after the 9/11 Commission identified agencies' reluctance to share information as a dangerous shortcoming, the government is moving in the right direction.


The government 'transformation queen'

HUD’s Tarrazzia Martin was one of the first 100 employees at the Department of Homeland Security.


ODNI crowdsources speech-recognition software

Automatic speech-recognition software that works in challenging acoustic environments is the "holy grail of the speech research community."


4 cybersecurity gurus to follow on Twitter

Here are four particularly insightful cybersecurity experts worth following on Twitter.


NGA's Long on transparency, the workforce and the power of GEOINT

The first woman to head a major U.S. intelligence agency goes on the record about the highs and lows of the job.