Digital Government

Oracle, the CIA and government's role in picking winners

The database giant was effectively launched via agency contracts. That's not a bad thing, Steve Kelman notes, but it begs the question of when government should go beyond basic research and standard procurement.


IC falling behind on plans for continuous evaluation of cleared personnel

The exact size of the security clearance re-check backlog is closely held by the government, but it could affect more than 1.1 million individuals.


ICITE ready to ramp up, ODNI official says

The long-planned joint IT environment is becoming more tangible to intel analysts.


ISIS cyber capability judged more 'aspirational' than operational

The terrorist group’s slick social media presence is a far cry from being able to hack critical infrastructure, cybersecurity experts say.


Trust issues

Although tools to combat insider threats are maturing, DOD and the intelligence community know that technology is just part of the solution.


Meet your friendly neighborhood intel research shop

IARPA is hosting its first-ever industry day over two days, Oct. 29-30.


NGA's school for agile

A request for training offers more evidence of the federal pivot to agile.


DeLong: NSA security reforms predate Snowden

Compliance director also claims explaining what NSA does is becoming a greater part of the agency's culture.