
CIA CTO sheds light on intelligence community's need for cloud

The officially-unconfirmed contract between the CIA and Amazon has led to an upsurge of interest in the spy agency's strategy.


Sources: Amazon and CIA ink cloud deal

Clandestine contract marks a radical shift in the CIA's cloud strategy.


Obama picks counterterrorism adviser to head CIA

John Brennan, nominated to be the next CIA leader, has served at the agency for 25 years.


Why branding matters -- even in government

More focus on building and enhancing the employer brand could help agencies find and keep talent.


ODNI redesigns website with social media in mind

The website for the U.S. intelligence community gets a new look.


Frivolous security clearances could diminish government transparency

Does everyone who has a security clearance really need it? At least one lawmaker argues that they don't, and says the effort to issue unneeded clearances comes with a significant cost.


NSA director warns of cyber threats

Gen. Keith Alexander cites need for access to information to thwart attacks.


Who's the top employer among IT and engineering students?

Government agencies make the top 10 list of best employers.


Choosing a mobile development strategy for your agency

Here are some of the pros and cons of native vs. Web-based apps.


Agencies seek to shed antiquated acquisition model

DOD and the intelligence community use an acquisition process better suited to a bygone era, but efforts to move forward are gaining speed.


Introverted? Then NSA wants you.

The spy agency likes employees who keep to themselves, says its senior civilian leader.


Is security the real problem for an intelligence community cloud?

There are other concerns that are, perhaps surprisingly, bigger barriers for intell agencies.


Intelligence director urges Congress to act on cyber threat

National Intelligence Director James Clapper cited threats posed by Iran, China and Russia as dangers Congress must address.

Digital Government

Analysis: How to cut intell budgets smartly

Deloitte's GovLab public sector research arm is recommending technologies and strategies to cut costs while maintaining capabilities.


Agencies' needs could imperil FedRAMP

The specific requirements some federal agencies have could undercut the standardized approach of the Federal Risk Authorization Management Program, industry experts say.


In the intelligence community, a cosmic shift

With budget pressures bearing down and a workforce demanding mobile technology, intelligence agencies look to the cloud for solutions.


NSA developing custom smart phone for top-secret communications

The National Security Agency doesn't think your smart phone is secure enough for its needs.