
Counterterrorism effort gets new tech

The director of the National Counterterrorism Center shared details on recent upgrades to IT systems and data tools at a Senate committee hearing.


The creation of DHS and ODNI: cautionary tales

A new report offers management lessons learned from the creation of DHS and ODNI after the 2001 terrorist attacks.


Intelligence agencies seek crystal ball

The Open Source Indicators Program would extract and analyze public data to reveal patterns that precede global upheavals and generate warnings of such events.


Federal information sharing environment needs work, GAO says

The federal Information-Sharing Environment needs work to bring in more foreign affairs data and intelligence, according to a new GAO report.


Learning on the job: How to make the most of mentoring

Former and current government officials share their tips for establishing a solid mentoring relationship.


CIA official wants top secret classification system revamped

Should the CIA evolve its confidential tiers after 70 years to keep up with the digital times?


Bin Laden's tech habit could trip up his terrorist group

Despite his efforts to go off the grid, Osama bin Laden's dependence on technology might lead to the biggest blow to his terrorist group.


ODNI report says office did no data mining in 2010

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has filed its latest required report on data mining.


Bin Laden's tech trove may give up secrets

The Defense Department and CIA are participating in a multi-agency task force to glean actionable intelligence from the large volume of material taken from Osama bin Laden's compound.


Legislation would tighten intell IT oversight

Program officers would have to tell the director of national intelligence about their IT projects before they could spend money if a new spending bill becomes law.


Bill would threaten pensions of loose-lipped intell employees

Intelligence employees who leak information would forfeit their federal pension plans under new legislation.


NSA offers smart phone-based recruiting tools

New apps are part of agency's use of 'cool high-tech tools'


OMB says post-WikiLeaks assessments due Jan. 28

White House and national security officials want federal agencies to complete their post-WikiLeaks assessments of how they are handling classified information by Jan. 28.


Priscilla Guthrie to leave CIO job at ODNI, report says

The national intelligence director has announced Charlene Leubecker will be acting CIO.


OMB exec brings wide-angle lens to anti-terror unit

Mike Howell's move from OMB to the Information Sharing Environment could bolster that program and expand the administration's understanding of it, experts say.


CIA needs nimble tech to keep pace

Chief Technology Officer Gus Hunt describes how the CIA is building its future on cloud computing, social media and other emerging technologies.