
Better integrated intell could save lives

National security agencies want to make the various databases that hold terrorism information more searchable after the failed Christmas Day airplane bombing.


Maryland wants to be cybersecurity epicenter

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley wants Maryland to be recognized as the leading state for cybersecurity.


Analysis, not info sharing, blamed for intell failure

Officials failed to search all available databases to uncover data on the would-be airplane bomber, a preliminary White House review has found.


3 basic steps to thwart most cyberattacks, courtesy of NSA

Three key practices can help systems withstand about 80 percent of commonly-known attack mechanisms, according to an estimate from the National Security Agency.


Government to build $1.5B cybersecurity data center

Officials plan to build a $1.5 billion data center to bolster the cybersecurity capabilities of intelligence agencies, the Defense Department, and the Homeland Security Department.


Web 2.0 review could lead to restricted use of social networking in DOD

A review on how social media should be used at the Defense Department will likely lead to a policy that allows the use of Web 2.0 tools with restrictions due to security concerns, according to a DOD spokesman.


DOD opens some classified information to non-federal officials

Some officials working at state and local intelligence fusion centers will have limited access to data on the Defense Department's classified network.


Intell agencies plan to beef up cybersecurity

Stopping cyber threats is a top priority for intelligence agencies during the next four years, according to a new national strategy.


Hathaway's departure renews worries about cyberczar vacancy

The resignation of Melissa Hathaway, the Obama administration’s acting senior director for cyberspace, has brought renewed scrutiny on the administration's effort to secure the online world.


McNamara: Give info-sharing office more authority

Thomas McNamara said the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment should have budgetary authority and the ability to direct policy changes.


The great cybersecurity star search

A consortium of private and government organizations has launched a program of competitions and educational opportunities for young people to build the next-generation cybersecurity workforce.


Security risks evolve alongside social media

Facebook and Twitter make it possible for government agencies to communicate and interact with the public in ways not possible just two years ago. But these social media tools also create new types of security risks that agencies must anticipate and plan for.


Panel OKs bill that would increase cybersecurity oversight

A Senate committee has approved a bill that would require the president to notify Congress about existing and new cybersecurity programs that involve personally identifiable information.


The other silver linings

Government outfits like the Army recruiting service, Washington, D.C., city government, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence show that there are other valuable benefits of cloud computing, such as rolling out new applications more quickly, creating functionality that was difficult or impossible to achieve before, and building a common platform to enable better information sharing.


Cloud comparison

This table compares the three models officials have when building their IT portfolios: A fee-based public cloud; a shared cost, government-only private cloud; or the traditional buy and manage your own.


Intelligence community gets its own app store

The intelligence community's Bridge program provides a way for innovators to develop new technology, officials say.


Intell chief: Source of cyberattacks still unknown

The director of national intelligence said today federal officials aren't sure who was behind recent cyberattacks that knocked some government sites off-line.


Feds need help hiring cyber workforce

The government has problems hiring enough cybersecurity workers and needs to ratchet up recruiting, a study released today says.


Cyberattacks could have been mitigated

Agency responses to cyberattacks on U.S. government sites demonstrate a need for better coordination between agency security officials and the companies that provide Internet services, experts say.


Web 2.0 can recruit new workforce

The next generation of federal employees will be looking for a government presence in social media, and the government will suffer if it is not there.