
Alexander: Military cybersecurity requires broader training

The man expected to head the new military cyber command says military cybersecurity efforts require broader-based training and improved support mechanisms for the military services, while also preserving civil liberties.


Official: Gates still considering cyber command

A new Defense Department cyber command would not lead to a military takeover of cyberspace, says Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn.


Sensitive information protection remains tough

The government is exploring policy and technology solutions to improve the way it shares sensitive but unclassified terrorism-related information with state, local and industry officials.


DNI: Public trust important for cybersecurity

The Director of National Intelligence said the public needs to be convinced that cybersecurity programs will protect civil liberties.


Cyber leader powers still unknown

President Barack Obama received widespread praise for his recent decision to create a cybersecurity coordinator, but some observers say it remains to be seen whether the position has enough authority.


Napolitano names senior cybersecurity officials

Philip Reitinger, deputy undersecretary of DHS' National Protection and Programs Directorate, will also lead the National Cybersecurity Center.


Obama directs review of data classifications

President Barack Obama has directed a review of how the government classifies information and how it handles sensitive but unclassified data.


Standard updated for reporting suspicious activity

The government has updated its standard for reporting suspicious activity that could be linked to terrorism to deal with issues raised by civil liberties groups and police.


Terrorist Screening Center gets new director

Timothy Healy is the new director of a center that administers the consolidated terrorist watch list database.


Experts: Clear data-sharing policies needed

Exports tell a Senate subcommittee that clear governmentwide policies are needed for sharing information believed to be related to terrorism.


Spy satellite tally could increase

The Obama administration supports a plan from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Defense Department to modernize the country's electro-optical satellites.


Next-gen spy satellite network to be established

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair and Defense Secretary Robert Gates signed a classified memo March 30 that would establish a program to build a multi-billion dollar, next-generation spy satellite network.


IG: More intell integration needed

A new report says intelligence agencies need to further integrate their IT systems.


DNI: Improvement needed tracking cyberattacks

Dennis Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, said today intelligence agencies are working to improve their ability to accurately and quickly attribute the sources of cyber attacks.


Obama picks Guthrie for ODNI CIO

Priscilla Guthrie served as the Defense Department's deputy chief information officer from 2001 to 2006.


Local police want better sharing of intelligence

Law enforcement officials and civil liberties advocates today asked for improved sharing of terrorism-related information.


Public to get peek inside DISA, NSA

A technology-focused event will highlight partnerships between those agencies.


Napolitano backs fusion centers

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the centers play an important role in her department's information-sharing efforts.


Officials urge civilian cybersecurity role

The outgoing director of DHS' National Cybersecurity Center and others say civilian agencies should play an independent and significant role in securing unclassified networks.


Intellipedia becomes more user-friendly

A new interface now makes it easier to collaborate and edit content on the intelligence community’s wiki.