
Trump Executive Order Attempts to Ban 8 More Chinese Apps

The move adds more Chinese companies—including three payment apps—to a list that already included TikTok and WeChat.


FCC Adopts Order to Rip and Replace Huawei, ZTE Equipment Amid 5G Security Challenges

The senior Democrat on the commission noted China’s continued leadership of global 5G standards development in urging further action.


U.S., Australia Partnering on Virtual Cyber Training Range

U.S. Cyber Command said the Cyber Training Capabilities Project Arrangement is the first-ever agreement to develop the Army’s Persistent Cyber Training Environment together.


CISA Warns of Iran’s Offensive Cyber Capabilities

One observer suggests the alert is meant more for the adversary than defenders.


China Beat the Coronavirus with Science and Strong Public Health Measures, Not Just with Authoritarianism

SARS exposed serious weaknesses in China’s public health system and prompted its government to reinvent its public health system.

Emerging Tech

Where America Rates in the Latest Leading Supercomputer Rankings

Major supercomputing players—both old and new—made it onto the latest Top500 list.


Iran Using Voter Data to Spoof Floridians, Warn U.S. Intelligence Leaders

Voting systems remain secure but Russia and Iran have obtained voter data, warn DNI Ratcliffe and FBI Director Wray.


Justice Department Charges Russian Intel Officers with Major Cyberattacks, Including NotPetya

U.S. officials said a new indictment describing a four-year global conspiracy belies the country’s recent offer to reset relations in cyberspace.

Emerging Tech

FCC, USAID Partner to Advance U.S. 5G Security Policy  

An agreement between the agencies aims to encourage the use of trusted networks and interoperable infrastructure.

Emerging Tech

U.S., Greece Formally Agree to Collaborate on Science and Technology

The nations hope to promote research and development activities across their collective agencies, universities, institutions, and private sector businesses.


On TikTok, the Trump Administration Is Adopting China’s Own Vision for the Internet

Until recently, the United States has been a staunch opponent of data localization laws.


Commerce Department to Bar TikTok, WeChat from U.S. App Stores

The Commerce Department announced a list of prohibitions meant to protect U.S. national security against the two Chinese-owned apps.


Justice Department Charges 5 Chinese Nationals with Hacking More than 100 Companies

Two Malaysian businessmen also were arrested in Malaysia and face extradition in related charges.


CISA, FBI Warn Iran-based Threat Actor May Be Planning Ransomware Attacks 

The attacker is targeting virtual private networks and cloud computing vulnerabilities, and has been present in victim networks for several months.


Hackers Connected to China Have Compromised U.S. Government Systems, CISA says

Using publicly disclosed code and vulnerabilities, attackers appear to be winning a crucial race against defenders.


CISA, International Counterparts Highlight Mistakes Organizations Make After a Cyber Intrusion

A lot of what’s necessary to appropriately respond to a cyber incident should happen way in advance.


The World Needs American Leadership in Setting the Technological Standards of the Future

U.S. interests are missing or under-represented in key international standardization organizations.


The U.S. Has Lots to Lose and Little to Gain by Banning TikTok and WeChat

The bans threaten Americans’ freedom of speech, and may harm foreign investment in the U.S. and American companies’ ability to sell software abroad.


U.S. imposes new restrictions on Huawei, semiconductor industry

The Department of Commerce is tightening rules targeting the Chinese telecom's supply chain around computer processing chips and restricting sales of chips made with U.S. technology.


AFGE touts Harris veep pick

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has a long record supporting federal union issues and looking to check the power of government and private sector tech surveillance.