
EU’s First Cyber Sanctions Target Russian, North Koreans, Chinese Attackers

The EU singled out perpetrators that attacked British hospitals, Ukrainian infrastructure, and the Pyeongchang Olympics.

Emerging Tech

State Department Brings Financing Partners to Help Fund Huawei Alternatives

The State Department is working with financial institutions to help close deals for Western technology providers around the globe, an official says.


Was the Pentagon’s Blacklist of Chinese Companies Justified?

An independent study of the list found China uses its favored companies to wipe out competition and spread economic influence.

Digital Government

NIH Commits $58 Million to Advance Data Science in Africa

The ultimate hope is to help advance quantitative and qualitative research and health on the continent.

Artificial Intelligence

4 Senators Introduce Bill with New Tools to Compete Against China

The bill includes major tech proposals, calling for more investment and closer partnerships with allies.


Two Chinese Nationals Indicted for Stealing Trade Secrets, Coronavirus Research

Federal prosecutors allege the pair hacked into corporations and research institutions on behalf of the Chinese government.

Artificial Intelligence

Commerce to Ban U.S. Business Involvement with Forced Labor, Detention Camps in China

A new rule will deny most export licenses to 11 companies implicated in human rights violations of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China.


U.S., U.K. Officials Call for Russia to Stop Hacking COVID-19 Researchers

“It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” a British official said.

Artificial Intelligence

Attorney General: China May Supplant U.S. If It Wins AI Race

William Barr blasted Google, Microsoft and other American big tech companies for being short-sighted while meeting the Chinese government’s demands for operating within the country. 


Deadline looms for contractors to ditch banned Chinese equipment

A broad federal prohibition on contractors that use gear from a host of Chinese tech makers goes into effect in mid-August.


Governments Need Clear Plans to Respond to Disinformation, Experts Say

One of the tricky parts of responding is addressing the conspiracy theories that domestic social media users create but then get amplified by foreign actors, experts said. 


FBI Opens a New China-Related Counterintelligence Investigation Every 10 Hours, Director Says

China is ramping up illegal activity to subvert the U.S. during the pandemic, according to FBI Director Chris Wray.


China and AI: What the World Can Learn and What It Should Be Wary of

The world needs to engage seriously with China’s AI development and take a closer look at what’s really going on.

Artificial Intelligence

Space Satellite Data Reveals the Pandemic’s Effects on Earth

A new dashboard—created by NASA and international partners—enables users to see changes in air and water quality, greenhouse gases, city nightlights, economic indicators and agricultural production.


Contact-Tracing Apps: Apple Dictating Policies to Nations Won't Help Its EU Anti-trust Probe

Apple’s approach arguably fits a wider narrative about the company being heavy-handed in determining what apps are allowed on iPhones.


Collaboration inside government during the COVID crisis

Steve Kelman reports on New Zealand's all-hands approach to contain the coronavirus.

Artificial Intelligence

3 Bills Focused on Securing Tech Superiority Over China 

Lawmakers aim to beef up the government’s tech prowess and put protections on American intellectual property and talent. 


Commerce to Allow Sharing Certain Technology with Huawei

The move aims to facilitate full U.S. participation in international standards-setting bodies.

Artificial Intelligence

Senate Committee Passes Defense Policy Bill with Tech Investments to Counter China

Lawmakers call for research into artificial intelligence, quantum computing and 5G networks to counter near-peer adversaries.

Digital Government

Army Seeks Vendors for Another JEDI Contract

The U.S. Army wants to improve interoperability and data sharing among itself, NATO and other coalition partners.