Digital Government

For 10 Years, I Read the Comments

Farewell to my stressful, dispiriting, but occasionally awesome life as an internet comment moderator.

Digital Government

House Passes Bill Strengthening Powers of FCC CIO

The bill would reauthorize the Federal Communications Commision, encourage broadband development and make some changes to the commission’s oversight.

Digital Government

A New Company Is Taking Remote Work’s Flexibility to the Extreme

In the digital age, if you have the freedom to work anywhere, why not try to go somewhere?

Digital Government

Congress Mulls a CIO's Authority, Future of Homeland Security and Data Breaches

And one caucus is concerned about climate change data vanishing form federal websites.

Digital Government

The Problem With America's New National Broadband Map

This long-awaited map looks like a precise picture of connectivity in America. Many people will find it doesn’t match what’s happening in their homes.

Digital Government

Forget Fixing NAFTA. Give Rural Americans Broadband Internet and Clean Water

The manufacturing era Trump is seeking to recreate has been killed by globalization and technological change.

Emerging Tech

5G Could Be Coming To A City Near You

2018 could be the year of lightning-fast internet—depending on where you live.

Digital Government

SpaceX Takes its First Step Toward Selling Americans Internet From Space

SpaceX eventually hopes to have thousands of spacecraft beaming Internet back to Earth.

Digital Government

Congress Cooks Up Ideas to Secure Elections, Then Came the Mueller Indictments

Congressional Democrats are pushing for a hearing to discuss election security improvements while demanding further action in the wake of indictments leveled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.


FCC, Telecom Industry Slam Idea of Government-Built 5G Network

Despite the proposal’s claim of national security concerns, experts—including the administration’s picks on the FCC—came out aggressively against the idea.

Emerging Tech

Google To Build 3 Undersea Internet Cables

The company hopes to create more reliable connectivity for international customers.


Trump Signs Executive Order to ‘Streamline’ Rural Broadband

The order offers no funding for broadband projects but aims instead to reduce bureaucratic barriers for industry.

Emerging Tech

How the Battle for Net Neutrality Will Continue in 2018

Proponents of net neutrality are pursuing several different paths to prevent internet service providers from tampering with website access.

Digital Government

Barack Obama Reflects on Leaving the Presidency

He gave his first major interview as a private citizen to Prince Harry of Wales—discussing his marriage, his aspirations, and the importance of free speech.

Artificial Intelligence

In 2017, Silicon Valley Got Cozier with China. In 2018, Washington Will Get Frostier

Here are some of the most significant moves by U.S. tech firms and Washington over the past year.

Digital Government

China’s Internet 'Clean-up' Has Closed Over 13,000 Illegal Websites Since 2015

While the report says all the websites taken down over the three-year span were illegal, it provided few other details about the sites taken down.