
Senate Passes Bill for Phone-Friendly Federal Websites

The bipartisan Connected Government Act is waiting for the president’s signature.


Proposed FCC Rules Could Threaten Local Broadband Competition

Rural areas, in particular, may continue to go unserved if small wireless internet providers get shut out of bidding wars for large license areas by the mobile industry.

Emerging Tech

How Puerto Rico is Rebuilding Its Network Three Months After Maria

Puerto Rico's post-Maria communications effort could serve as a disaster-response playbook for other governments.

Emerging Tech

Hurricane Maria Has Made Puerto Rico a Testbed for New Technology

Government, tech companies, and nonprofits have all worked to bring the US territory back online.


Network Neutrality Can't Fix the Internet

The FCC is poised to dismantle common carriage for broadband and wireless providers. That’s bad, but the internet itself is worse.

Emerging Tech

Farmers to Congress: We Need Broadband, Too

Agriculture and energy companies in rural areas want to find efficiencies with internet of things devices, but lack of high-speed access is a problem

Digital Government

Democrats Push for Billions to Bring High-Speed Internet to Everyone

Lawmakers believe faster, better broadband will help bring underserved rural communities into the 21st-century economy.

Emerging Tech

Broadband Is Largely Inaccessible to Those Who Need it Most

Because of high prices and low accessibility, poor and rural communities are the least likely to subscribe to high-speed internet.

Digital Government

After Harvey Took Out Communications, FEMA Set Up Its Own

The agency’s D.C.-based command center keeps feds on the same page in the wake of the storm.

Digital Government

FCC Asks for Help Fixing Faulty Broadband Provider Data

The agency wants to correct and refine information on broadband coverage in different areas of the country.


Apple Has Sold 1.2 Billion iPhones Since Launching the Device a Decade Ago

That’s nearly one iPhone for every person in China, or one in three people globally with internet access.

Digital Government

After China’s Crackdown, Now Russia Is Banning VPNs Too

The law is yet another sign of Putin’s growing control over internet access.


International Group Aims to Protect the Core of the Public Internet

Its first task will be tackling what infrastructure should be protected from intelligence services and other groups.

Digital Government

The Global Economic Damage of Internet Blackouts

Last year, the world economy lost at least $2.4 billion when governments intentionally shut down their countries’ networks.

Emerging Tech

Virtual Classrooms Can Be as Unequal as Real Ones

Online courses are praised for their potential to make education accessible to everyone—but they’re leaving students behind.