
A call for visionary investment

Investing in IT modernization is not an either-or proposition, Rep. Connolly writes. This pandemic has presented Congress a choice: We can put our head in the sand and pretend these failures didn't happen, or we can take action to be prepared for the future.

Emerging Tech

IRS Wants to Be Able to Trace ‘Untraceable’ Digital Currencies

The agency’s criminal investigation group is increasingly encountering anonymous and privacy-focused online payments methods.


Senators push to make payroll tax deferral optional for feds, service members

Lawmakers are concerned about potential consequences of a mandatory tax deferral being rolled out by the Trump administration.

Digital Government

IRS Offering Up to $7M to Develop ‘Data Mashing’ Tools In Support of Frictionless Acquisition

Using its experimental multiphase Pilot IRS contract vehicle, the agency issued a quickturn solicitation to improve data collection for a governmentwide effort to improve procurement.


IRS Doesn’t Know How Many Legacy Systems It Has or How Much They Cost, IG Says

The tax agency needs to start with a single definition of what constitutes a “legacy system.”


IRS legacy system problems could be worse than advertised

A new watchdog report finds additional systems and applications that would be considered legacy under the IT organization's own definition, and hundreds more that might or might not.


IRS Granted Tens of Thousands of Devices Network Access Without Proper Authentication

Most devices accessing the Internal Revenue Service’s internal network using wireless connections and virtual private networks weren’t authenticated, according to an audit. 

Digital Government

IRS Floats Experimental Contract Vehicle to Help Administration Meet Procurement CAP Goals

The tax agency is using Pilot IRS—an iterative funding vehicle—to work on a governmentwide acquisition initiative.


Hoyer pitches $2B compromise for TMF

The House Majority leader is looking to sell lawmakers in both parties on a major uptick in funding for the Technology Modernization Fund that focuses on IRS modernization.

Digital Government

Digital government: the vital prerequisite to a 'new normal'

As the dust settles and pandemic restrictions ease in the coming months, government agencies have a prime opportunity to shift from a state of reactivity to proactivity.


IRS Launches New Enterprise Digitalization Office

The co-led office merges and elevates existing projects focused on digitizing processes and getting away from paper-based case management.


IRS gets high marks for fraud and identity theft initiatives

A layered approach combining software, public-private partnerships and innovative pilot programs have saved billions of dollars from ending up in the hands of criminals and fraudsters, according to a new audit.


Senate Passes Bill to End Payments to Dead People

The bill follows an audit that found the IRS sent $1.4 billion in stimulus checks to deceased individuals.


CARES Act delivery hampered by old tech, bad data

Aspects of the federal government's economic response to the coronavirus pandemic were marred by outdated state technology software and a crushing volume of beneficiaries that overwhelmed many systems, according to a new report from the watchdog Government Accountability Office.

Digital Government

Federal CX in the age of COVID-19

Government agencies have also had to shift in significant ways to operate in this unique environment and interact with citizens differently.

Digital Government

Old tech can help IRS catch wealthy tax cheats

The IRS’ legacy tech is effective at flagging high-income taxpayers who skip filing, but a lack of staff and low prioritization is leaving billions on the table.


CDC, IRS and other federal sites spoofed in global phishing scams

New research from Proofpoint has identified numerous phishing email campaigns over the past two months, some of which impersonated and spoofed websites from federal agencies, international governments and public health organizations involved in COVID-19 relief.

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies Lean Into Automation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Robotic process automation is accelerating across the National Institutes of Health, Internal Revenue Service and Housing and Urban Development Department.